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Corpus callosum atrophy
- ... the left and right halves of the brain (corpus callosum), wasting away (atrophy) of the exterior part of the brain known ...
- ... leukodystrophy with oligodontia (LO); or hypomyelination with cerebellar atrophy and hypoplasia of the corpus callosum (HCAHC). Because these disorders were later found to ...
- ... that connects the two halves of the brain (corpus callosum), and a loss of brain cells (cortical atrophy). It is thought that the neurological problems occur ...
- ... leukodystrophy with oligodontia (LO); or hypomyelination with cerebellar atrophy and hypoplasia of the corpus callosum (HCAHC). Because these disorders were later found to ...
- ... leukodystrophy with oligodontia (LO); or hypomyelination with cerebellar atrophy and hypoplasia of the corpus callosum (HCAHC). Because these disorders were later found to ...
- ... the left and right halves of the brain (corpus callosum) is abnormally thin and becomes thinner over time. Additionally, there is often a loss (atrophy) of nerve cells in several parts of the ...
- ... can also occur. These include brain tissue loss (atrophy) and abnormalities of the tissue connecting the left and right halves of the brain (corpus callosum) or the hippocampus, which is a region of ...
- ... leading to a loss of brain tissue (brain atrophy), specifically affecting the fatty tissue known as myelin that surrounds nerve cells (hypomyelination). Frequently, the tissue that connects the two halves of the brain (corpus callosum) is small and thin, and the fluid-filled ...
- ... left and right halves of the brain (the corpus callosum), a tissue called white ... or breakdown (atrophy) of the nerves that carry information from the ...
- ... SLC35A2-CDG, medical imaging shows loss of tissue (atrophy) in parts of the ... of the brain (the corpus callosum) or a fluid-filled sac (cyst) on the ...