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3,189 results
  1. ... white, perfectly smooth powder, generally dispensed in the form of small cones; dose gr. x-xxx. Calcii Carbonas Praecipitatus, U. S., Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3 = 99.76). This is formed by the reaction of calcium ... astringents, and form very valuable remedies in diarrhoeas where an ant- ...
  2. ... adding Bitters, but this must not generally be cone. Dose of xxx grs to zi in powder, but in this way seldom used. It is generally given in the form of Infusion of zi in a pt. of ...
  3. ... more convenient for almost all uses. Latterly, medicated cones, or disks, ... and economical form for general use. Latterly we have succeeded in ...
  4. ... to gr. ij. Rudbeckia Purpurea.—This is the Cone Sunflower, common on the Western Prairies. The root is highly esteemed as an alterative by some physicians, who have used it in private practice. It is given in form of syrup, in doses of a table- spoonful, when of full strength. ...
  5. NLM Digital Collections - The pharmacology of useful drugs 
    Publication: Chicago : American Medical Association, 1915
    ... may be used in the form of a cone, cut from a piece of castile soap and ... fluidrams) or used in the form of a glycerin suppository. When used in the ...
  6. ... The best form is that of an elongated cone, made by selecting suitable crystals and turning them in a lathe to the desired form ; or they may be made by filing the crystals, and finishing with sand-paper. The dose of copper sulphate, as an astringent, is a ...
  7. ... tubercle bacillus.—Transp., yellowish liq.; stable only in cone, solut.— Sol. ... diseases at a very early stage.—Dose : The initial dose is l/20o_1/i3o ...
  8. NLM Digital Collections - Technical manual for the senior gas officer of civilian defense 
    Publication: Cincinnati, Ohio : College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, July 1942
    ... mg/L (364 arsenic) B, Toxicity 1, Lethal cone, in air 0,048 mg/L or l/325 of sat, vapor at 40° C - c- (3000 p.p.n, or) "^-r (1000 p.p.m. As) 2, Cutaneous - 0,02 cc/sq. cm, - Total dose man 1,4 cc 0,95 g. As? (Vodder) 0,334 mg/L in form of vapor, or 21,000 p.p.m, ...
  9. ... c. will be treated in their appropriate place. Dose.—A powder, or three globules, taken as directed above. BOILS. CARBUNCLES Boils are characterized by a hard elevation of a round or cone-like form, having an inflamed appearance, at- tended with pain ...
  10. ... continued on next page.) 208 ARSENICUM ALBUM (Full Form). 12. Mind, Intellect. P. 14 ; (M., 5 grs. 2d trit., one dose). Restlessness from headache and prickling of the skin; eructations; pulse quickened (aft. iX h.). {Cone, eyes.) Toxic 2 ; (M., 28, ars. in food). ...
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