- NLM Digital Collections - The American physician : being a new system of practice, founded on botany ; for the use of ...Publication: Rochester, N.Y. : Printed for the author ; by H. Leavenworth, 1824... herb may be given in all cases with safety. COLTSFOOT. Description.—This plant usually has three or four ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory, containing the operations of pharmacy : together with the natural, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson ..., Fry and Kammerer, printers, 1810... L. D. - vide Pulveres. ASARUM CANADENSE. Wild Ginger. Coltsfoot. Doctor Barton says both the root and leaves ... large dilution with aqueous liquors- U—Ulmus. 705 TUSSILAGO FARFARA. Folia. Flores. Ed. Tussilago. L. D. Coltsfoot. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory, containing the operations of pharmacy : together with the natural, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson ..., William Fry, printer, 1814... Matricaria. Ord. Polygamia superflua. Arnica. Inula. Solidago. Senecio. Tussilago. Anthemis. Achillea. Ord. Polygamia frustranea. Centaurea. Ord. Polygamia ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical lexicon : a dictionary of medical science : containing a concise account of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1846... cocoa nut. It is sweet and agreeable. BUTTERBUR, Tussilago petasites. BUTTERCUPS, Ranunculus acris. BUTTERFLY-WEED, Asclepias tuberosa. ... ex- pression Calcined blood. Sang calcini. CALCEUM EQUINUM, Tussilago. CALCIGEROUS CELL, see Tooth. CALCICRADUS, Pternobates, from Calx, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory, containing the operations of pharmacy : together with the natural, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson and Son ..., William Fry, printer, 1818... Matricaria. Ord. POLYGAMIA 8UPERFLUA. Arnica. Inula. Solidago. Senecio. Tussilago. Anthcmis, Achillea, Ord. PoLYGAMIA FRUSTRANEA. Centaurea. Ord. POLYGAMIA ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A practical dictionary of materia medica : including the composition, preparation, and uses ...Publication: Philadelphia : Haswell, Barrington, and Haswell, 1841... and likewise in rheumatism.—(Observat. Medico, Jan. 1840.) COLTSFOOT, see Tussilago. CONFECTIONS (from Conficio, J make up). The conserves • . ... v, [from /3»%, tussis,] of Dioscorides). Com- mon Coltsfoot. Tussilago Farfara. CI. 19. Ord. 2. Syngenesia Superflua. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American new dispensatory : containing general principles of pharmaceutic chemistry ; ...Publication: Boston : Printed and published by Thomas B. Wait and Sons, 1817... for giving opium in that form. Tlssilago Farfara. Coltsfoot. The leaves and flowers. This grows wild in ... and upon this, probably, more than on the tussilago itself, any benefit derived from it in practice ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The dispensatory of the United States of AmericaPublication: Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1874... and of an agreeable, fweetish, part in. Turpethum.— Tussilago Farfara. 1715 slightly pungent taste. It is used ... emulsion. (Ann. de Therap., 1866, p. 119.) W. TUSSILAGO FARFARA. Coltsfoot. Coltsfoot is a perennial herb, with ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Pharmacologia: comprehending the art of prescribing upon fixed and scientific principles : ...Publication: New-York : Lockwood, 1823-24... Pectoral Balsam of Liquor- ice, and Essence of Coltsfoot, are combinations of this kind. Grindle's Cough Drops, ... public opinion, be removed from the materia medica. TUSSILAGO. (Tussilago Farfara— Folia, Flares.) Coltsfoot.* This plant has ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The London medical dictionary: including, under distinct heads, every branch of medicine, viz....Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Mitchell, Ames, and White ; William Brown, printer, 1819... BE'CHION, BE'CHIUM, (from the same). See Tussilago. BECUI'BA NUX. (Brasil). It is as large ... called from the figure of its leaf). See Tussilago. CALCHITHEOS, (from kxXXiov, purple). See jErugo J&RIS. ...
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