Valley Fever is a disease caused by a fungus (or mold) called Coccidioides. The fungi live in the soil of dry areas like the southwestern U.S. You get it from inhaling the spores of the fungus. The infection cannot spread from person to person.
Anyone can get Valley Fever. But it's most common among older adults, especially those 60 and older. People who have recently moved to an area where it occurs are at highest risk for infection. Other people at higher risk include:
- Valley Fever (National Library of Medicine)Valley Fever is a disease caused by a fungus (or mold) called Coccidioides. The fungi live in the ... spread from person to person. Anyone can get Valley Fever. But it's most common among older adults, especially ...
- Valley fever is an infection that occurs when the spores of the fungus Coccidioides immitis or Coccidioides posadasii ... Valley fever is due to a fungal infection most commonly seen in the desert regions of the southwestern ...
- ... a fungus called Coccidioides, which causes the disease coccidioidomycosis or valley fever. ... are infected with Coccidioides, which causes the disease coccidioidomycosis. Antibodies are specialized proteins that defend the body ...
- Facts and Stats about Valley fever (Coccidioidomycosis) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Valley fever is a national notifiable disease. Most cases are reported in Arizona and California.
- Symptoms of Valley Fever (Coccidioidomycosis) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Valley fever is a lung infection. Symptoms may include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
- ... fungus Coccidioides immitis . This fungus causes the disease coccidioidomycosis . ... to detect infection with the fungus that causes coccidioidomycosis, or Valley fever. This condition can cause lung ( ...
- Valley Fever (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research)HIV and Infections/Specifics ... HIV and Infections ... Valley Fever/Start Here ... Valley Fever ... Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
- Reducing Risk for Valley Fever (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Learn about the risk factors for Valley fever and some ways to help prevent infections.
- About Rift Valley Fever (RVF) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)More information about Rift Valley fever, how it spreads, prevention, who's at risk, and treatment.
- About Valley Fever (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Valley fever (coccidioidomycosis) is a lung infection from a fungus in soil in parts of the U.S.