- NLM Digital Collections - Chemical warfare agents and related chemical problems (Parts 1-2)Publication: Washington, D.C. : Office of Scientific Research and Development, National Defense Research Committe, Division 9, 1946... ricin. Processes for the extraction of ricin from castor beans and cold-pressed castor bean pomace were the subject of laboratory and pilot ... bombs charged with phosgene. Processing all of the castor beans used in this coun- try (based on 1911- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chemistry for dental students (Volume 2)Publication: London : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1923... from a Fig. 25. 270 EXPERIMENTS vegetable source,, castor beans, according to direction in the Appendix. Fat Digestion with Lipase {Castor Bean). — Grind with the powder,* in the order named, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The home physician, or, A treatise upon the cure of diseases by the botanical system of ...Publication: Louisville, Ky. : Printed at Dana's Office, 1832... the ague in low marshy situations. MATERIA MEDICA. • CASTOR BEAN. Ricinus Gommunus. Ricinus Communus, the systematic name of ... 1 Calimus, or sweet flag Camphorated soap Cancer Castor bean - Cathartic mixture Case of false conception Chamomile - Cherry ...
- ... vaccine against ricin, the powerful toxin of the castor bean and a potential biological weapons agent, after the Japanese government had asked its citizens to grow castor beans (to obtain their oil for use as lubricants ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Health at home, or, Hall's family doctor : showing how to invigorate and preserve health, ...Publication: Hartford, Conn. : Betts, 1874... of the palma Christi plant, known as the castor bean. The plant grows to forty feet in Africa. ... taste, only the taste of the vehicle. The castor bean grows in our gardens. The pressed seeds yield ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... M. L.). Analysis of the ash of the castor bean. Bio-Chem. Bull., N. Y., 1912-13, ii, ... F.). & Godfrey (G. H.). Bac- terial wilt of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.). J. Agric. Research, Wash., 1921- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The pharmaceutical products of Frederick Stearns & CoPublication: Detroit, Mich. : Frederick Stearns & Co., [1903]... radicans Poison Oak. Richweed . . . Stone root. Ricinus communis Castor bean and leaves Robin’s Rye Haircap Moss. Rock Rose ...
- ... of significant toxin. Purified ricin derived from the castor bean is highly toxic and lethal in small doses.
- NLM Digital Collections - A report on the hygiene of the United States Army, with descriptions of military postsPublication: Washington : Government Printing Office, 1875... feet. Sugar-cane grows in great luxuriance. The castor-bean seems a native of the soil, and can ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The geographical distribution of animals and plants (Volume 1)Publication: Boston : Little, Brown, 1854-1876... Castanea, the chestnut, 70. Castor, the beaver, 81. Castor bean, 61. Cat, the domestic, 52. Catalpa, 150. Cataracts ...
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