- ... 6 hours) Health-related quality of life Missed diagnosis of compartment syndrome Delayed bone healing Local infection Nerve and vascular damage Respiratory depression (< ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The osteopathic treatment of children's diseasesPublication: Los Angeles, California : A.T. Still Research Institute, 1923... cut, ruptured, or involved in the callus around healing bone. The symptoms depend upon the location of the in- jured ...
- ... 6 hours) Health related quality of life Missed diagnosis of compartment syndrome Delayed bone healing Local infection Nerve and vascular damage Respiratory depression (< ...
- Your feet take a beating during long walks, runs or daily routines. If you're feeling foot pain, learn about foot injuries and disorders right here. ... Each of ...
- Heel problems are common and painful. What causes heel pain? Read more about causes and conditions that can result from heel problems. ... Heel problems are common ...
- ... of bone can break off and keep the bone from healing properly. In this case, you may need surgery.
- NLM Digital Collections - Chemistry in therapeuticsPublication: Philadelphia, Pa. : W. R. Huntsman [c1935]... to growing children or to delayed cases of healing in bone fractures; the tetanic muscular symptoms where calcium availability is absent, are readily relieved ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Abstracts of orthopaedic surgery for 1948 (1950)Publication: Washington, D.C. : Office of the Surgeon General, Department of the Army, 1951-1957... regularly employed at clerical work and had no symptoms* Roentgenograms demonstrated healing of the bone* FISHER and MAXWELL (XO) suggest a simplified method ...
- NLM Digital Collections - First aid to the injured, and transportation of the wounded : six lectures delivered to the ...Publication: Annapolis, Md. : The Institute, 1892... different regions of the body. Lecture IV. Fractures, diagnosis of.—Healing of Bones.—How to set a Fracture.— Application of Splints.— ...
- NLM Digital Collections - General surgical pathology and therapeutics : in fifty-one lectures : a text-book for ...Publication: New York : D. Appleton, 1877... Limb,........page 155 CHAPTER V. SIMPLE FRACTURES OF BONES. LECTURE XIV. Causes, Different Varieties of Fractures.—Symptoms, Diagnosis.—Course and External Symptoms.—Anatomy of Healing, Formation of Callus.—Source of the Inflamma- tory ...
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