- NLM Digital Collections - Dr. Chase's recipes, or, Information for everybody : an invaluable collection of about eight ....Publication: Ann Arbor, Mich. : Published by the author, 1865... snake-root; but black snake root is the black-cohosh. Spasm. .Cramp, or convulsion. Specific. .A remedy having a uniform action, producing health, Sperm. .Seminal fluid, now more often called the semen, seed. Spermedic. .Having reference to the testicles, or ovaries. Spina. .The back- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A reference handbook of the medical sciences: embracing the entire range of scientific and ...Publication: New York : Wood, 1885-1893... four-celled (and ovuled). Fruit, a small, purple-black drupe, with from one to four seeds. Leaves elliptical, entire, with from nine to seventeen 716 REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. Buchu. Budding. diverging ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Dr. Chase's recipes, or, Information for everybody : an invaluable collection of about eight ....Publication: Ann Arbor, Mich. : Published by R.A. Beal, 1880... snake-root; but black snake-root is the black cohosh. Spasm -Cramp, or convulsion. Specific—A remedy having a uniform action, producing health. Sperm—Seminal fluid, now more often called the semen, seed. Speimatic—Having reference to the testicles, or ovaries. Spina—Tho backbone; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Dr. Chase's recipes, or, Information for everybody : an invaluable collection of about eight ....Publication: Ann Arbor, Michigan : Published by the author, 1866... snake-root; but black snake- root is the black-cohosh. Spasm. .Cramp, or convulsion. Specific. .A remedy having a-uniform action, producing health Sperm. .Seminal fluid, now more often called the semen, seed. Spermatic. .Having reference to the testicles, or ovaries. Spina. .The back- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Dr. Chase's recipes, or, Information for everybody : an invaluable collection of about eight ....Publication: Ann Arbor, Mich. : Published by the author, 1867... snake-root; but black snake- root is the black-cohosh. Spasm. .Cramp, or convulsion. Specific. .A remedy having a uniform action, producing health Sperm. .Seminal fluid, now more often called the semen,seed. Spermatic. .Having reference to the testicles, or ovaries. Spina. .The back- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Dr. Chase's recipes, or, Information for everybody : an invaluable collection of about eight ....Publication: Ann Arbor, Mich. : Published by the author, 1864... snake-root; but black snake- . root is the black-cohosh. Spasm. .Cramp, or convulsion. S}>ecific. .A remedy having a uniform action, producing health. Sperm. .Seminal fluid, now more often called the semen, seed. Spernuitic. .Having reference to the testicles, or ovaries. Spina. .The back- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The domestic encyclopaedia, or, A dictionary of facts, and useful knowledge: comprehending a ....Publication: Philadelphia : Published by William Young Birch, and Abraham Small, no. 17, South Second-Street ; Robert Carr, printer, 1804... Logwood ; Loose-strife Scull-cap ; Sumach-tree ; Verdigrease. Black-thorn, its uses, see Fence. Blisters, substances used for, see GENERAL INDEX OF REFERENCE. 21 Butter-cup ; Spanish Flies ; Mus- tard-seed; Vinegar; Horse-radish; Crow-foot; Spurge-Olive. Blite, ...
- National Library of Medicine Environmental Health Information Outreach Program Proceedings, June 2006... resources to be incorporated include MedlinePlus, Genetics Home ... project will seed the development of the Medgar Evers College Genomics ...
- ... resources to be incorporated include MedlinePlus, Genetics Home Reference, and ... will seed the development of the “Medgar Evers College Genomics ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American new dispensatory : containing general principles of pharmaceutic chemistry ; ...Publication: Boston : Printed and published by Thomas B. Wait and Sons, 1817... above subject will, it is presumed, justify a reference to the opinions, and valua- ... seeds. Henbane is a biennial plant, which abounds in ...
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