- NLM Digital Collections - The national dispensatory : containing the natural history, chemistry, pharmacy, actions, and ...Publication: Philadelphia : Henry C. Lea's Son & Co., 1884... is the Herba galeopsidis of European pharmacopoeias. Ballota nigra, Linn#.-Black horehound, E.; Marrube noir (fetide), Fr.; Schwarzer Andorn, G.- ... 109 Baldriantinktur, 1545 i Baldrianwurzel, 1585 Baleine, 1069 Ballota nigra, 877 Balm, 971 of Gilead, 1009 fir, 1497 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The national dispensatory : containing the natural history, chemistry, pharmacy, actions, and ...Publication: Philadelphia : Henry C. Lea's Son & Co., 1886... is the Herba galeopsidis of European pharmacopoeias. Ballota nigra,Linn£.-Black horehound, E.; Marrube noir (fetide), Fr.; Schwarzer Andorn, G.- ... Baldriansaure, 109 Baldriantinktur, 1545 -Baldrianwurzel, 1585 -Baleine, 1069 -Ballota nigra, 877 Balm, 971 of Gilead, 1009 fir, 1497 - ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... M. J., Bowling Green, 1910, viii, 1782-1784.— Ballota Taylor (R.) Nosografia, patogenia de la tu- berculosis. ... Par., 1908, ii, 371-373. UPSALA. Frlberger (R.) Nigra ord om tuberkulosdispen- sairen i Upsala, [Einige Worte ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The dispensatory of the United States of AmericaPublication: Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo and Co., 1854... the root, but most largely in the former. Pallotta gave it internally in doses vary- ing from ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... osservazioni. 2. ed. 121 pp. 8°. Roma, frat. Pallotta, 1855. [P., v. 872.] Belliard [lï-58- ]. * Des ... 123- 125.—Wcrrinig ((!.) Concrement in der rechten Substautia nigra Sommeringii mit auf- und absteigemler Degeneiatiou «1er Schleife ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... med. de Megico, 1839-40, iv, 340-351. —Pallotta (IL) Das Pariglin (Parigliue) oder die Salzbase der ... 1879, viii.—Farquhar (O. C.) Folia Ju- glandis nigra, the leaves of black walnut as a remedy ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Therapeutics and materia medica: a systematic treatise on the action and uses of medicinal ...Publication: Philadelphia : Blanchard and Lea, 1860... given in equivalent doses, are identical. According to Pallotta, six grains of sarsaparillin occa- 948 ALTERATIVES. [CLASS ... dandelion, ii. 670 of belladonna, ii. 29 of black hellebore, ii. 584 of ... i. 141 Hordeum, i. 141 Horehound, i. 565 Horsemint, i. 601 oil of, i. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Therapeutics and materia medica: a systematic treatise on the action and uses of medicinal ...Publication: Philadelphia : Blanchard and Lea, 1860... given in equivalent doses, are identical. According to Pallotta, six grains of sarsaparillin occa- 948 ALTERATIVES. [CLASS ... dandelion, ii. 670 of belladonna, ii. 29 of black hellebore, ii. 584 of ... i. 141 Hordeum, i. 141 Horehound, i. 565 Horsemint, i. 601 oil of, i. ...
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