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Atresia of the external auditory canal
- Birth Defects (National Library of Medicine)What are birth defects? A birth defect is a problem that happens while a baby is developing in the mother's body. Most birth defects happen during the ...
- Aural Atresia (For Parents) (Nemours Foundation)... canal, ear problems, deformed ear, ear canal, aural atresia, no ear canal, ear deformity, hearing, Treacher-Collins, Goldenhar syndrome, hearing ... Aural atresia is a condition that happens before birth in which a baby’s ear ... It causes hearing loss, but treatments can help most children hear better.
- ... them called preauricular tags. There may also be abnormalities of the ear canal, the tiny bones in the ears (ossicles), or a part of the inner ear called the semicircular canals. These ear abnormalities lead to hearing loss in most affected individuals. ...
- ... microtia or anotia), or a closed or absent ear canal; these abnormalities may lead to hearing loss. Eye problems are ...
- Ear Canal Stenosis (Nemours Foundation)... ear anomaly, hearing, ear problems, hearing problems, aural atresia, microtia, anotia, ear problems, ear canal, born without an ear, missing ear, no outer ...
- Anotia (For Parents) (Nemours Foundation)aural atresia, microtia, anotia, ear problems, ear canal, born without an ear, missing ear, no outer ear, ear problems, deformed ear, ear tags, ear anomalies, ...
- Microtia (For Parents) (Nemours Foundation)aural atresia, microtia, anotia, ear problems, ear canal, ear problems, deformed ear, ear tags, ear anomalies, hearing, hearing loss, speech therapist , plastic surgery, otolaryngologist, audiologist, ...
- Cryptotia (Nemours Foundation)... ear anomaly, hearing, ear problems, hearing problems, aural atresia, microtia, anotia, ear problems, ear canal, born without an ear, missing ear, no outer ...
- Protruding Ears (Nemours Foundation)... ear anomaly, hearing, ear problems, hearing problems, aural atresia, microtia, anotia, ear problems, ear canal, born without an ear, missing ear, no outer ...
- Constricted Ears (Nemours Foundation)... ear anomaly, hearing, ear problems, hearing problems, aural atresia, microtia, anotia, ear problems, ear canal, born without an ear, missing ear, no outer ...