- NLM Digital Collections - Essentials of homoeopathic materia medica and homoeopathic pharmacy : being a quiz compend ...Publication: Philadelphia : Boericke & Tafel, 1899... thirst, nausea, debility, voracious appetite and consti- pation. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Give references for Arsenicum. Hahnemann's Materia Medica Pura ; Chronic Diseases ; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The elements of a new materia medica and therapeutics : based upon an entirely new collection ...Publication: [Chicago : s.n., 1859-1861]... Unfortunately for suffering humanity, these allopathic gentlemen 688 Arsenicum-Album. have not given us any data with reference to the pernicious after- effects of these large ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The encyclopedia of pure materia medica: a record of the positive effects of drugs upon the ...Publication: New York : Boericke & Tafel, [c1874]-79... lying down; at 3 f « Not found," in reference. J « Not found." \ " Not found." 500 ARSENICUM ALBUM. o'clock after midnight, after waking/.—*Violent anxiety ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The science of therapeutics: according to the principles of homoeopathy (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : Boericke & Tafel, [187-?]... of the cornea and violent photophobia, for which Arsenicum album seemed almost the only efficient remedy; repeated doses of Belladonna were likewise useful, but did not effect a per. rnanent cure.” With reference to this long quotation we confess that Hartmann’s ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The science of therapeutics: according to the principles of homoeopathy (Volume 2)Publication: New York : Boericke & Tafel, 1875... of the cornea and violent photophobia, for which Arsenicum album seemed almost the only efficient remedy; repeated doses of Belladonna were likewise useful, but did not effect a per- manent cure." With reference to this long quotation we confess that Hartmann's ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The homoeopathic materia medica : arranged systematically and practicallyPublication: Philadelphia : Rademacher & Sheek, 1854... 68, 595. Empirical applications, 69. Homoeopathic applications, 71. Arsenicum ... reference to this matter, 568. Other communications concerning the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A manual of homoeopathic veterinary practice : designed for horses, all kinds of domestic ...Publication: Philadelphia : F.E. Boericke, 1874... IN THE MATERIA MEDICA. Aconitum-may, with due reference to the specific ... Arsenicum album-similarly superseded by Calcarea, Carbo veg., China, Digi- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The homoeopathic domestic medicinePublication: Philadelphia : F.E. Boericke, [1887]... and Nose. The mouth excessively dry ; the lipi ARSENICUM ALBUM. 82D hot, swollen, and cracked; the gums sore, ... as sore; dulness or prominence of the eyes. ARSENICUM ALBUM. Stomach, Bowels, and Evacuations. Excessive loathing and sickness ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The London medical dictionary: including, under distinct heads, every branch of medicine, viz....Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Mitchell, Ames, and White ; William Brown, printer, 1819... our pecks. A'RTANECH, or A'RTANECK. See Arsenicum album. ARTEMISI'A; (from Aple^is, Diana, because it ... Calx. CA'LCATAR. See Vitriolum. CA'LCATON. See Arsenicum album. CALCATRE'POLA. See Calcitrapa. CALCE'NA, CALCENO'NIUS, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Lexicon-medicum, or, Medical dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms in anatomy, ....Publication: New-York : Printed by J. & J. Harper [et al.], 1826... oxydugipraparutum. See Ar.n r.iti oxydum sublimatum. -» . Arsenicum album*SArsenid oxydum sub- limatum; AisenicLoajjaum praparatum. Re- duce ... is intended to render the. arsenic more pure. Arsenicum album. White arsenic. See Ar- senious add. up Arsenicum ...
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