- NLM Digital Collections - Thesaurus of proprietary preparations and pharmaceutical specialties : including "patent" ...Publication: Chicago : G.P. Engelhard & Company, 1898... the other ingredients. IV. Formula of Dr. Paris: Anise, bruised av.oz. 1 Caraway, bruised av.oz. ... lb. 6 Water fl.oz. 120 Mix the anise, caraway, coriander, sassafras and water, simmer together until ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Fenner's hand book of the United States Pharmacopoeia, seventh revision, 1890-1893 : a key to ...Publication: Westfield, N.Y. : B. Fenner, 1894... 47. F C F, p 163. AQUA ANISI. Anise Water. The present formula is oil of anise 2 cubic centimeters; precipitated calcium phosphate 4 grammes; ... is equivalent to 30 minims of oil of anise, 60 grains of precipitated calcium phosphate with sufficient ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The dispensatory of the United States of AmericaPublication: Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1874... corrected by incorporation with a little oil of anise. (See Oleum Anisi.) W. UNGUENTUM POTASSIIIODIDI. U.S.,Br. ... of the black drink. W. ILLICIUM FLOKIDANUM. Florida Anise-tree. Thisis an evergreen shrubor small tree, growing ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A compend of pharmacyPublication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1895... 12 Gin.; Sugar, powd., 20 Gni.; Oil of Anise, 0.2 C.c.; Water, a sufficient quantity. ( ... musky odor. Official Preparation.—Tinctura Sumbul. ANISUM, U. S.—Anise. OLEUM ANISI, U. S.—Oil of Anise.—A volatile ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory, containing the operations of pharmacy : together with the natural, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson ..., William Fry, printer, 1814... Coriandrum. Phellandrium. Imperatoria. Cicuta. Carum. Pastinaca. Anethum. Apium. Pimpinella. Ord. Trigynia. Sambucus. Rhus. Ord.PENTAOYNiA.Linum. App. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory, containing the operations of pharmacy : together with the natural, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson and Son ..., William Fry, printer, 1818... M. La G. Smell aromatic; taste agreeable, like anise; effects pectoral, car- minative, diuretic. 90. Impkratoria Ostruthium. ... taste acrid, corrosive; effects corrosive in cancer. 133. Pimpinella Saxifraga. Pimpinella alba radix. Ross. Aust. prov. Brem. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American dispensatory, containing the operations of pharmacy : together with the natural, ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Thomas Dobson ..., Fry and Kammerer, printers, 1810... M. La G. ' Smell aromatic; taste agreeable, like anise; effects pectoral, car- minative, diuretic. 90. Imperatoria Ostruthium. ... taste acrid, corrosive; effects corrosive in cancer. 133. Pimpinella Saxifraga. Pimpineka alba radix. Ross. Aust. prov. Brem- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American new dispensatory : containing general principles of pharmaceutic chemistry ; ...Publication: Boston : Printed and published by Thomas B. Wait and Sons, 1817... employed in compounds as an article of dying. Pimpinella Anisum. Anise. The seeds. Anise is an annual umbelliferious plant, growing natu- rally ... other places of the East. The seeds of anise have an aromatic odour, and a warm laste, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Dr. Chase's recipes, or, Information for everybody : an invaluable collection of about eight ....Publication: Ann Arbor, Mich. : Published by the author, 1865... of licorice, of each 1J ozs.; oil of anise 20 drops; syrup of tolu sufficient to work ... gauljheria 4 drops, sassafras 3 drops, and of anise-seed oil 2 drops. The above mixture is ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of arts and sciences (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : Published by Isaac Peirce ..., 1815-1816... 142 Spermaceti - - 133 Phosphorus - - 100 Tallow Oil of anise Olive-oil Ice Milk Vinegar Blood Oil of ... used with the same intention as cara- way. Pimpinella anisum, anise, semen, Egypt. Anise is used chiefly ...
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