- NLM Digital Collections - The pharmaceutical products of Frederick Stearns & CoPublication: Detroit, Mich. : Frederick Stearns & Co., [1903]... Buckeye. Aesculus Hippocastanum .... Horse chestnut. Agave planifolia Guaco. Agrimonia Eupatoria Agrimony. Agrimonia striata* Agrimony. Agropyrum repens ... . Couch ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The geographical distribution of animals and plants (Volume 1)Publication: Boston : Little, Brown, 1854-1876... of Egypt, influence of, 107. Agriculture, 3, 10. Agrimonia, 89. Agrostis alba, 124. Ajuga iva, 82. Akhmin, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - King's American dispensatoryPublication: Cincinnati : Ohio Valley Co., 1898-[1900?]... Ethylene bichloride... .Sup. to American Dispensatory, 127 13. Agrimonia Standard Dictionary (F. & W.), 129 14. Aletris farinosa ... the preceding plants, and are natives of Mexico. AGRIMONIA -AGRIMONY. The whole plant of Agrimonia Eupatoria, Lin ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The national dispensatory : containing the natural history, chemistry, pharmacy, actions, and ...Publication: Philadelphia : Henry C. Lea's Son & Co., 1884... This plant is known as the rattlesnake's master. AGRIMONIA.-Agrimony. Herba agrimonies.-Aigremoine, Eupatoire des Grecs, Fr.; Odermennig, Leberklette, G. Agrimonia Eupatoria, Linne. Nat. Ord.-Rosacea?, Roseae. Description.-An ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The national dispensatory : containing the natural history, chemistry, pharmacy, actions, and ...Publication: Philadelphia : Henry C. Lea's Son & Co., 1886... This plant is known as the rattlesnake's master. AGRIMONIA.-Agrimony, Ilerba agrimonies.-Aigremoine, Eupatoire des Grecs, Fr.; Odermennig, Leberklette, G. Agrimonia Eupatoria, Linnt. Nat. Ord.-Rosaceae, Rosea;. Description.-An ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chronological history of plants : man's record of his own existence illustrated through their ...Publication: Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1879... in Armenia (Pers. ; see S. hirta, and Teucrium scordium). Agrimonia eupatoria of Europe and Northern Asia. Called in ... odermennig ” (Grieb), in France “aigremoine ” (Nugent), in Italy “agrimonia” or “eupa- torio ” (Lenz), in Greece “ phonohorton” or ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical flora, or, Manual of the medical botany of the United States of North AmericaPublication: Philadelphia : Atkinson & Alexander, 1828-1830... grow in America. 34 AGRXMOWIA. No. 3. 3. AGRIMONIA EUPATORIA. English Name-COMMON AGRIMONY. French Name-Aigremoine Commune. German Name-Gemeine Oderminig. Officinal Names-Herba Agrimonia. Vulgar Names-Cockle-bur, Stick wort, &c. Authorities- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The pocket materia medica and therapeutics : a résumé of the action and doses of all ...Publication: Detroit, Mich. : Illustrated Medical Journal Co., 1895... muscarius ; see Musca- rina sulphas, 191 Agave, 21 Agrimonia eupatoria ; see Agri- monia, 21 Agrimony ; see Agrimonia, 21 Ague bark ; see Ptelea, 228 Ague root; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Dynamical therapeutics : a work devoted to the theory and practice of specific medication : ...Publication: San Francisco, Cal. : Webster Medical Pub. Co., [c1898]... the fraction of a drop to five drops. Agrimonia Eupatoria. Agrimony specifically influences the kidneys, and is ... fessor Scudder asserts that the strongest indication for agrimonia is a colicky pain pointing in the lumbar ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A manual of organic materia medica and pharmacognosy : an introduction to the study of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1895... odor bal- samic. 60. CLASS IV.-ASTRINGENT. Rosaceae. Agrimonia.-Agrimony : Leaves pinnate, with serrate stipules ; flow- ers ... 185. Geum Rivale, 186. Gillenia, 187. G. Herbs. Agrimonia, 187. Potentilla, 189. Spiraea, 190. Rosa Canina, 177, ...
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