- NLM Digital Collections - Practical uranalysis and urinary diagnosis : a manual for the use of physicians, surgeons, ...Publication: Philadelphia : The F.A. Davis Co., 1894... constituents of urine, 50 Inosite, 49 Inosituria, 119 Interstitial nephritis, acute, 294 symptoms of, 295 urine in, 294 chronic, 254 symptoms ... significance of, 173 Uraemia, 275 urine in, 275 symptoms of, 277 Urate ... 325 in acute interstitial nephritis, 294 in acute renal hyperaemia, 244 in ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A text-book of practical medicine : designed for the use of students and practitioners of ...Publication: New York : Wood, 1884... nasal catarrh, 11. Necrosis, 3. Nephritic colic. 594. Nephritis, acute suppurative interstitial, differential diagnosis. 589. etiology. 5*8. morbid' anatomy, 588. prognosis. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A system of medicine (Volume 3)Publication: Philadelphia : H.C. Lea, 1880... a degree as to become incompatible with life. Symptoms of Acute Interstitial Nephritis, or of Suppurative Nephritis.-There are no definite ... serving, in which lithotrity was followed by marked symptoms of acute interstitial nephritis, the patient suffered for two years from occasional ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A text-book of practical medicine : designed for the use of students and practitioners of ...Publication: New York : Wood, 1895... of elimination becomes suddenly arrested or impaired, and acute uraemic symptoms are developed. CHRONIC INTERSTITIAL NEPHRITIS. (Cirrhotic Kidney.) In this form of nephritis the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A treatise on the science and practice of medicine: or the pathology and therapeutics of ...Publication: New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1882... to make a probable, if not a positive, diagnosis. INTERSTITIAL SUPPURATIVE NEPHRITIS. Acute suppurative nephritis is so frequently associated with pyelitis, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A treatise on the principles and practice of medicine : designed for the use of practitioners ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea Brothers & Co., 1886... DIS- EASES OF THE URINARY PASSAGES. — PERINEPH1UT1C ABSCESS. Acute Interstitial or Suppurative Nephritis.—Pyelonephritis: Anatomical Characters; Clinical History; Causation; Diagnosis; Prognosis; Treatment.—Pyelitis— Pyo- nephrosis.— Hydronephrosis.—Eenal Colic ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A treatise on the principles and practice of medicine : designed for the use of practitioners ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea Brothers & Co., 1894... NEPHRITIS.—DISEASES OF THE URINARY PASSAGES.-PERINEPHRITIC ABSCESS. ^^ Acute Interstitial or Suppurative Nephritis.—Pyelonephritis : Anatomical Charac- ters; Clinical History ; Causation; Diagnosis; Prognosis; Treatment.—Pyelitis.— Pyonephrosis.—Hydronephrosis.—Renal Colic and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - An encyclopedia of the practice of medicine, based on bacteriologyPublication: New York : Russell, 1890... use of the remedy in this form of acute interstitial nephritis; it relieves every symptom, the oppression, the vascular tension; the kidneys resume ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The science and art of surgery: being a treatise on surgical injuries, diseases, and ...Publication: Philadelphia : H.C. Lea, 1881... which might start the smouldering inflammation into activity. Acute interstitial and suppurative nephritis gives rise to much more manifest symptoms, often supervening on those just described. The attack, ...
- ... remove enough acid. The disorder can lead to acute or chronic kidney failure or end-stage kidney disease .
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