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Results 1 - 10 of 68 for Abnormality of facial soft tissue
  1. ... appearance of aging is a lack of fatty tissue under the skin (lipodystrophy), ... (that are noticeable as "soft spots" on the heads of infants) are larger ...
  2. Guide to Surgical Specialists (American College of Surgeons)  
    Surgery/Start Here ... Surgery ... American College of Surgeons ... Information about different surgical specialties.
  3. Chest MRI Video (American College of Radiology) (Radiological Society of North America)  
    ... vascular disease, heart valve abnormalities, bone, and other soft tissue abnormalities of the chest. MRI is also useful for ... than other imaging procedures for differentiating and characterizing soft tissues, except for lung abnormalities where Chest CT is a preferred imaging test. ...
  4. Dermal Fillers (Soft Tissue Fillers) (Food and Drug Administration)  
    Skin Aging/Treatments and Therapies ... Skin Aging ... Food and Drug Administration ... Safety, risks, and uses of injectable cosmetic dermal fillers.
  5. Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (American College of Radiology) (Radiological Society of North America)  
    Hip Injuries and Disorders/Diagnosis and Tests ... Hip Injuries and Disorders ... Sprains and Strains/Diagnosis and Tests ... Sprains and Strains ... Shoulder Injuries and ...
  6. ... the ELN gene is associated with other connective tissue abnormalities, such as joint problems, soft skin, and mild lung problems. Loss of the ...
  7. Fragile X Syndrome and Autism (National Fragile X Foundation)  
    Fragile X Syndrome/Related Issues ... Fragile X Syndrome ... National Fragile X Foundation ... Fragile X syndrome and autism are tied together so closely because the ...
  8. ... Additional signs and symptoms of Williams syndrome include abnormalities of connective tissue (tissue that supports the body's joints and organs) such as joint problems and soft, loose skin. Affected people may also have increased ...
  9. ... with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome commonly have heart abnormalities that are ... even though the tissue covering them does, resulting in a condition called ...
  10. ... common features of this condition include mildly "coarse" facial features, thin tooth enamel, multiple cavities, heart valve abnormalities, a mildly enlarged liver (hepatomegaly), and a soft out-pouching around the belly-button (umbilical hernia) ...
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