- NLM Digital Collections - The practice of medicine, according to the plan most approved by the reformed or botanic ...Publication: Mt. Vernon [Ohio] : Published by the author, printed by E.J. Ellis, 1847... the following is a good example: Take of Mother wort,...................................................2 ounces. •k Cascarilla, or poplar bark,.................................I ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Lexicon-medicum, or, Medical dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms in anatomy, ....Publication: New-York : Printed by J. & J. Harper [et al.], 1826... Zakua, a palm-tree.) Agripalma gallis. .The herb mother-wort, or wild-palm. Agripa'lma gallis.' See Agripalma. ... stomach. The pharmacopoeial name of the plant caUed Mother-wort. See Leonurus car- diaca. Cardiaca passio. The cardiac ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Thesaurus of proprietary preparations and pharmaceutical specialties : including "patent" ...Publication: Chicago : G.P. Engelhard & Company, 1898... represented in the fol- lowing: Fluid extract of mother- wort fl.oz. 2 Glycerite of hydrastis, N. F ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A reference handbook of the medical sciences: embracing the entire range of scientific and ...Publication: New York : Wood, 1885-1893... with the bitterer genera of the order (Horehound, Mother- wort, Dead Nettle, Bugle Weed, etc.), and like them ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The Compleat midwife's practice enlarged : in the most weighty and high concernments of the ...Publication: London : Printed for R. Bentley ..., H. Rhodes ..., J. Philips ..., and J. Taylor ..., 1697... use this Bath. Take of Mallows, Mash-Mallows, Mother-wort, of each two handfuls; Roots of Lillies three ... Take Marsh-mallows with the Roots two handfuls, Mother-wort one handful, Rue one ounce and an half, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Lexicon medicum, or, Medical dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms in anatomy, ....Publication: New York : Harper & Brothers, 1856... zzaXpa, a palm-tree.) Agripalma gallis. The herb mother- wort, or wild-palm. Agripa'lma gallis. See Agripalma. ... stomach. The pharniacopoeial name of the plant called Mother- wort. See Leonurus cardiaca. Cardiaca passio. The cardiac passion. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of medical terminology, dental surgery, and the collateral sciencesPublication: Philadelphia : Lindsay & Blakiston, 1878... plants of the order Labiatce. Leonurus Cardia'ca. Mother-wort. The leaves are tonic, and have been used ... mild tonic properties. Matricaria Parthe'nium. Fever- few. Mother's-wort. The flowers are stomachic, tonic, and emmenagogue. Matric' ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Botanical grammar and dictionaryPublication: Albany : Printed by Websters and Skinners, at their bookstore, at the elm tree, in State-Street, corner of Pearl-Street, 1828... or ringent, (with the throat open) as mint, mother-wort, catnip, monkey-flower. Polypetalous Carols are, 1. Cruciform. ... the stem in rings one above another, as mother-wort, catnip. BOTANY. 7 2. Raceme. Having the florets ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medicina Britannica, or A treatise on such physical plants, as are generally to be found in ...Publication: [Philadelphia] : London printed : Philadelphia re-printed, and sold by B. Franklin, and D. Hall, at the post-office, in Market-Street, MDCCLI [1751]... Sugar ; or the Powder or Decoc- tion of Mother-wort, with a Piece of Sugar ; or Powder of ... white Wine ; or give Powder or Decodlion of Mother-wort; or a Dram of powdered Gromwell Seed in ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Lexicon medicum, or, Medical dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms in anatomy, ....Publication: New York : Sold by Collins & Hannay ... [et al.], 1832... a palm-tr^e.) Agripalma gallis. The herb mother- wort, or wild-palm. Agripa'lma gallis. See Agripalma. ... lion's tail. See Leonurus cardiaca. Lbonuris cardiaca. The mother-wort. Agri- palma gallis; Marrubium ; Cardiaca crispa ; Leo i ...
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