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  1. Address: Abbott Hall
    City: Buffalo
    State Or Province: New York
    Zip / Postal Code: 14214
    Country: United States
    Telephone Number: 716-829-5737
    Fax Number: (716) 829-2211
    Abstract: Established in 1972, the Robert L. Brown History of Medicine Collection contains more than 13,000 volumes of 19th century monographs with particular strength in the areas of obstetrics/gynecology, surgery, dentistry, psychiatry, pharmacology, and oncology. Additional holdings include a collection of more than 500 pre 19th century titles. The Collection also houses several special collections including the Edgar McGuire Historical Medical Instrument Collection that features medical and health sciences instruments and artifacts such as Auzoux anatomical models, microscopes, and a Staffordshire leech jar; a full run of the Buffalo Medical Journal (1846-1919), the Bonnie and Vern Bullough History of Nursing Collection; the Dr. Homer T. Jackson Collection featuring the notebooks and instruments of Dr. Jackson, a late 19th c. upstate New York country doctor; Historical Artifacts from the UB School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; as well as a collection of early 20th c. Medical Newspaper Clippings. Publications: Pre-Nineteenth Century Catalogue of the Robert L. Brown History of Medicine Collection.
    Holdings: Pre 19th century: 500+ titles; 19th century: 13,000+ titles.
    Contact Name, Title: Linda Lohr
    Contact Telephone Number: (716) 829-5737
    Contact Email Address:
    Web Site:
    Collection Subject Strengths: History of Gynecology and Obstetrics, History of Medicine, History of Neurology [show all 8]