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Results 1 - 7 of 7 for Polycystic kidney disease 2
  1. ... the kidney, urethra , or bladder A blood disorder Polycystic kidney disease Disorders of the ureters (tubes that connect your ...
  2. ... adults and children, starting as early as age 2. In general, having obesity and being overweight both ... heart attack and stroke High blood cholesterol Type 2 diabetes Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) Arthritis Certain ... 30 and above BMI for children over age 2 and teens is also based on weight and ...
  3. ... stay high over time, you could develop type 2 diabetes , which can cause serious complications in your ... glucose levels keep increasing, you can develop type 2 diabetes. Guide treatment decisions for type 2 diabetes. An insulin test may be used to decide if a person with type 2 diabetes needs to take insulin as part of ...
  4. ... blood sugar (glucose) level was over the past two to three months. Glucose is a type of ... used to screen fo r or diagnose: Type 2 diabetes . With type 2 diabetes your blood glucose gets too high because ... help delay or prevent prediabetes from becoming type 2 diabetes. If you have diabetes or prediabetes, an ...
  5. ... your adrenal glands make. Your adrenal glands are two small organs that sit on top of each ... able to make. CAH is often organized into two groups based on how severe the symptoms are: ... done at a later time. Some states require two tests for all babies. If you give birth ... 2019 Mar 28; cited 2023 May 17]; [about 2 screens]. Available from: ...
  6. ... Navigator; c2022. Estradiol; [cited 2022 Jun 23]; [about 2 screens]. Available from: ... the Female Body; [cited 2022 Jun 23]; [about 2 screens]. Available from: ...
  7. ... DHEAS is mostly made in the adrenal glands, two small glands located above your kidneys. Your adrenal glands help control your heart rate, blood pressure, and other body functions. They make different types of hormones you need to stay healthy. This includes cortisol, a ... If your results show low levels of DHEAS , it may be a sign of the following conditions: Addison disease . Addison disease is a disorder in which the ...