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Muscle weakness
- ... tests diagnose MG, an autoimmune disease that causes muscle weakness. Treatment can improve your quality of life. Learn ... testing? MG can be hard to diagnose because muscle weakness can be a symptom of many disorders. So, ... have MG. This is because cooling temporarily improves muscle weakness that's caused by MG. Antibody test. This is ...
- ... a muscle or nerve disorder. These symptoms include: Muscle weakness Tingling or numbness in arms, legs, hands, feet, ... MD) , a group of genetic diseases that cause muscle weakness. This weakness can lead to trouble walking and ... down through families). CMT causes nerve damage and muscle weakness, mostly in the arms and legs. Amyotrophic lateral ...
- ... deficiency, such as: Osteomalacia, soft bones, often with muscle weakness Low bone density , osteopenia, or osteoporosis Rickets , a ... to vitamin D deficiency such as: Bone pain Muscle weakness or aches Soft or deformed bones Weak bones ... D include: Nausea and vomiting Poor appetite Constipation Muscle weakness Weight loss What happens during a vitamin D ...
- ... the stomach, breasts, hips, and under the arms Muscle weakness Symptoms of too little cortisol include: Long-lasting fatigue Muscle weakness Loss of appetite Weight loss Abdominal (belly) pain ...
- ... your stomach, breasts, hips, and under your arms Muscle weakness Common symptoms of Addison disease and adrenal insufficiency (too little cortisol) may include: Long-lasting fatigue Muscle weakness Loss of appetite Weight loss Abdominal (belly) pain ...
- ... the face, arms, and/or legs Vision problems Muscle weakness, stiffness, and spasms Trouble walking Fatigue Dizziness and ... Weight loss, especially the loss of fat and muscle Weakness Fatigue Diarrhea Frequent infections What happens during an ...
- ... test results and/or high sodium test results Muscle weakness, cramps , and/or spasms Fatigue Headache Arrhythmia (a ... high potassium and/or low sodium levels Fatigue Muscle weakness Loss of appetite Weight loss Abdominal (belly) pain ...
- ... disorder. These include: Muscle pain and/or cramps Muscle weakness Balance problems and/or falling a lot Numbness or tingling Dark colored urine (pee) Swollen legs or feet You may also need this test if you: Have had an injury that crushed or tore your muscles Have had serious burns Take certain medicines that ...
- ... fast heartbeat (arrhythmia) Diarrhea or constipation Fatigue Headaches Muscle weakness, cramps , or spasms Numbness or tingling in your arms, legs, fingers, and toes What happens during an electrolyte panel? A health care professional will take a blood sample from a vein in your arm, using a small needle. ... a condition in which you have too much base in your blood. It can cause irritability, muscle twitching, and tingling in the fingers and toes. ...
- ... the rate or rhythm of your heartbeat) Fatigue Muscle weakness Nausea Numbness or tingling If your potassium levels are too low (hypokalemia), your symptoms may include: Irregular heartbeat Muscle cramps Weak or twitching muscles Fatigue Nausea Constipation ...