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Results 1 - 10 of 32 for Tetanus
  1. Tetanus is an infection of the nervous system with a type of bacteria that is potentially deadly, ... for more than 40 years. You can get tetanus infection when the spores enter your body through ...
  2. Why get vaccinated? Tdap vaccine can prevent tetanus , diphtheria , and pertussis . Diphtheria and pertussis spread from person to person. Tetanus enters the body through cuts or wounds. TETANUS (T) causes painful ...
  3. Why get vaccinated? DTaP vaccine can prevent diphtheria , tetanus , and pertussis . Diphtheria and pertussis spread from person to person. Tetanus enters the body through cuts or wounds. Diphtheria ( ...
  4. Why get vaccinated? Td vaccine can prevent tetanus and diphtheria. Tetanus enters the body through cuts or wounds. Diphtheria spreads from person to person. TETANUS (T) causes painful stiffening of the ...
  5. ... are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases. Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) Diphtheria (D) can lead to difficulty breathing, heart failure, paralysis, or death. Tetanus (T) causes painful stiffening of the muscles. Tetanus ...
  6. ... the infection itself. Examples are the diphtheria and tetanus vaccines. Biosynthetic vaccines contain manmade substances that are ...
  7. Burns are susceptible to tetanus . This means tetanus bacteria can enter your body through the burn. If your last tetanus shot was more than 5 ...
  8. ... vaccine: 2 doses at or after age 50 Tetanus-diphtheria and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine: have as one of your tetanus-diphtheria vaccines if you did not receive it ...
  9. ... ask your provider what is best for you. Tetanus-diphtheria and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine : have one ... or after age 19 as one of your tetanus-diphtheria vaccines if you did not receive it ...
  10. ... ask your provider what is best for you. Tetanus-diphtheria and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine: have as one of your tetanus-diphtheria vaccines if you did not receive it ...
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