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- Malignant otitis externa is a disorder that involves infection and damage of the bones of the ear canal and at the base of the skull.
- Osteomyelitis is a bone infection caused by bacteria or other germs. ... are most often involved. When a child has osteomyelitis: Bacteria or other germs may spread to the ...
- Osteomyelitis is a bone infection. It is caused by bacteria or other germs. ... fungi or other germs. When a person has osteomyelitis: Bacteria or other germs may spread to a ...
- You or your child has osteomyelitis . This is a bone infection caused by bacteria or other germs. The infection may have started in another part of the ...
- Osteomyelitis is infection in the bones. Often, the original site of infection is elsewhere in the body, ... Bacteria or fungus may sometimes be responsible for osteomyelitis.
- ... or scalp Bone infections of the spine (vertebral osteomyelitis) People who inject drugs are also at increased ... may include: Brain abscess Brain damage Bone infection (osteomyelitis) Chronic back pain Meningitis (infection of the membranes ...
- ... has spread to other areas of the body Osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone caused by an infection) ... findings include: Fractures Bone tumors Degenerative bone conditions Osteomyelitis
- ... piece of metal) An infection of the bone (osteomyelitis) Delayed growth in a child ... degenerative) Bone tumor Broken bone (fracture) Dislocated bone Osteomyelitis (infection) Arthritis Other conditions for which the test ...
- ... and deformed bone) Osteomalacia (softening of the bones) Osteomyelitis (bone infection) Bone marrow disorders (leukemia or lymphoma)
- ... to diabetes , poor blood flow, chronic bone infection ( osteomyelitis ), or swollen legs Certain wounds may not heal ...