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Results 1 - 10 of 47 for Osteomyelitis
  1. Malignant otitis externa is a disorder that involves infection and damage of the bones of the ear canal and at the base of the skull.
  2. Osteomyelitis is a bone infection caused by bacteria or other germs. ... are most often involved. When a child has osteomyelitis: Bacteria or other germs may spread to the ...
  3. Osteomyelitis is a bone infection. It is caused by bacteria or other germs. ... fungi or other germs. When a person has osteomyelitis: Bacteria or other germs may spread to a ...
  4. You or your child has osteomyelitis . This is a bone infection caused by bacteria or other germs. The infection may have started in another part of the ...
  5. Osteomyelitis is infection in the bones. Often, the original site of infection is elsewhere in the body, ... Bacteria or fungus may sometimes be responsible for osteomyelitis.
  6. ... or scalp Bone infections of the spine (vertebral osteomyelitis) People who inject drugs are also at increased ... may include: Brain abscess Brain damage Bone infection (osteomyelitis) Chronic back pain Meningitis (infection of the membranes ...
  7. ... has spread to other areas of the body Osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone caused by an infection) ... findings include: Fractures Bone tumors Degenerative bone conditions Osteomyelitis
  8. ... piece of metal) An infection of the bone (osteomyelitis) Delayed growth in a child ... degenerative) Bone tumor Broken bone (fracture) Dislocated bone Osteomyelitis (infection) Arthritis Other conditions for which the test ...
  9. ... and deformed bone) Osteomalacia (softening of the bones) Osteomyelitis (bone infection) Bone marrow disorders (leukemia or lymphoma)
  10. ... to diabetes , poor blood flow, chronic bone infection ( osteomyelitis ), or swollen legs Certain wounds may not heal ...
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