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Results 1 - 7 of 7 for Megarectum
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  1. Toxic megacolon occurs when swelling and inflammation spread into the deeper layers of your colon. As a result, the ... means that this problem is very dangerous. Toxic megacolon may occur in people with an inflamed colon ...
  2. Toxic megacolon is characterized by extreme inflammation and distention of the colon. Common symptoms are pain, distention of the ...
  3. Hirschsprung disease causes a blockage of the large intestine. It occurs due to poor muscle movement in the bowel. It is a congenital ...
  4. ... rupture of the colon, severe bleeding, or toxic megacolon Most of the time, the entire colon, including ... intestine within one to a few days (toxic megacolon) Tears or holes (perforation) in the colon Anemia, ...
  5. ... treat a fecal impaction. An overly widened colon (megacolon) or complete blockage of the bowel may require ...
  6. ... imbalance Perforation of (hole through) the colon Toxic megacolon Death
  7. ... with bowel movements Perforation of the colon Toxic megacolon Sore (ulceration)