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Keratosis pilaris
- Keratosis pilaris is a common skin condition in which a protein in the skin called keratin forms hard ... Keratosis pilaris is harmless ( benign ). It seems to run in families. It is more common in people who ...
- Keratosis pilaris occurs most commonly during childhood and produces small, rough spots. called papules, that are typically the ... especially during winter months, makes the condition worse. Keratosis pilaris tends to be inherited and may be associated ...
- Keratosis pilaris is seen most commonly during childhood and presents as small, rough, raised lesions that are called ...
- Keratosis pilaris rubra faceii is characterized by redness (erythema) and the presence of rough bumpiness (follicular spines) which ...
- Keratosis pilaris rubra faceii is characterized by redness (erythema) and the presence of rough bumps (follicular spines) which ...
- ... with other skin problems including atopic dermatitis , asthma, keratosis pilaris (small bumps on the back of the arms ...