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Results 1 - 5 of 5 for "Exercise-induced" asthma
  1. ... bronchoconstriction (EIB). In the past, this was called exercise-induced asthma. Exercise does not cause asthma, but it can ... have EIB, but not everyone with EIB has asthma. The symptoms of EIB ... Some people may have symptoms after they start exercising.
  2. Sometimes exercise triggers asthma symptoms. This is called exercise-induced asthma (EIA). The symptoms of EIA are coughing, wheezing, ...
  3. Exercise-induced asthma is distinct from allergic asthma in that it does not produce long-term increase in airway ...
  4. Asthma quick-relief medicines work fast to control asthma symptoms. You take them when you are coughing, wheezing, having trouble ...
  5. ... Swimming is a good sport for people with exercise-induced asthma. The warm, moist air helps keep asthma symptoms ...