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Results 1 - 10 of 38 for Copper
  1. Copper is an essential trace element present in all body tissues. A small amount is needed for ... function, but the body cannot make its own copper. You must get it from food.
  2. ... the body has a problem absorbing and distributing copper to bodily organs. The disease affects development, both ... hard for the body to properly distribute (transport) copper throughout the body. As a result, the brain ...
  3. The 24-hour urine copper test measures the amount of copper in a urine sample. ... instructed. A laboratory specialist will determine how much copper is in the sample.
  4. This article discusses poisoning from copper. This article is for information only. DO NOT use it to treat or manage an actual poison exposure. If you or ...
  5. The ceruloplasmin test measures the level of the copper-containing protein ceruloplasmin in the blood. ... made in the liver. Ceruloplasmin stores and transports copper in the blood to parts of the body ...
  6. The copper urine test is performed by collecting urine at specific times for a 24-hour period. The urine is tested for the amount of copper present. The copper urine test is used to ...
  7. ... inherited disorder in which there is too much copper in the body's tissues. The excess copper damages the liver and nervous system.
  8. ... materials used in cookware and utensils are: Aluminum Copper Iron Lead Stainless steel Teflon (polytetrafluoroethylene) Both lead and copper have been linked to illness. The FDA imposed ...
  9. ... about which type may be best for you. Copper-releasing IUDs: Start working immediately after being inserted. Work by releasing copper ions. These are toxic to sperm. The T- ...
  10. ... disease Metabolic problems Multiple sclerosis (MS) Poisoning with copper, manganese, or other heavy metals Stroke Tumors A ... the brain) Wilson disease (disorder causing too much copper in the body's tissues)
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