Results 1 -
- Sydenham chorea is a movement disorder that occurs after infection with specific bacteria called group A streptococcus. ... Sydenham chorea is caused by an infection with bacteria called group A streptococcus. This is the bacteria that causes ...
- ... and twitching) and ballismus (violent flinging of extremities), chorea (slow, twisting, or continued movements), among others. ... both sides of the body. Typical movements of chorea include: Bending and straightening the fingers and toes ...
- Huntington disease (HD) is a genetic disorder in which nerve cells in certain parts of the brain waste away, or degenerate. The disease ...
- ... affects the brain and nervous system, called Sydenham chorea , can also occur. Symptoms of this condition are: ... inflammation Nodules under the skin Rapid, jerky movements (chorea, Sydenham chorea) Skin rash The minor criteria include: ...
- ... of arms, head (tremor) Twitching Uncontrolled body movements ( chorea ) Tremor of the hand when the wrist is ...
- ... rule out other causes including: Autism spectrum disorder Chorea disorders Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Tourette syndrome or ...
- ... muscle tone (flaccidity) Slow, twisting, or continued movements (chorea, athetosis, or dystonia) Sudden jerking movements (myoclonus, ballismus) ...
- ... Fever Hartnup disease Inborn error of metabolism Huntington chorea Malnutrition Nephrotic syndrome Phlebotomus fever Rheumatoid arthritis Laboratory ...