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Anus cancer
- ... in the anus Hemorrhoids (swollen veins in the anus) Infection Inflammation Tumors Abnormal growth of cells (dysplasia) Anal cancer Anoscopy and HRA may also be used as ...
- ... has not spread to the rectum or the anus Some colon cancer tumors, when the rectum is not affected Severe ...
- ... sexual partners. Men are at increased risk for cancer of the penis, anus, and throat if they have a history of HPV infection. Even after you have been treated for genital warts, you may still infect others.
- ... may be done to treat problems of the anus or rectum but is not used to screen for colon cancer. ... collection of pus in the area of the anus and rectum) Blockage of ... Colorectal polyps Diverticulosis (abnormal pouches on the lining ...
- ... for cancers of the cervix, penis, vagina, vulvar, anus, and throat. Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B infection increases the risk for liver cancer.
- ... the bottom of the spine (sacrum) to the anus. The disease is benign and has no association with cancer. Pilonidal disease may appear as: A pilonidal abscess , ...
- ... and anus). Rectal prolapse (rectum protrudes from the anus). Trauma or foreign body. Colorectal polyps. Colon, rectal, or anal cancer. Ulcerative colitis and other types of colon inflammation ( ...
- ... But some types of genital HPV can cause cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina, anus, and penis. If you are age 45 or younger, talk with your doctor about getting a vaccine to prevent ... forms of cancer. The correct answer is true. The HPV vaccine ...
- ... bumps appear on the genitals or around the anus Lymphogranuloma venereum -- small painless sore on the genitals Changes that may lead to cancer of the vulva (vulvar dysplasia) may appear as ...
- ... Injury to the area between the scrotum and anus (perineum) Urinary catheter , cystoscopy , or prostate biopsy (removing a piece of tissue to look for cancer) Men age 50 years or older who have ...