Results 1 -
Abnormal platelet function
- ... before birth) Congenital rubella syndrome Drugs that affect platelet function or clotting factors Fragile blood vessels seen in older people (senile purpura) Hemangioma (abnormal buildup of blood vessels in the skin or ...
- ... mm Hg consistently over a 24-hour period. Abnormal liver function ... (rare). Low platelet count or bleeding. Low urine output, a lot ...
- ... prolonged bleeding (more than 5 days each period) Abnormal vaginal ... blood or material that looks like coffee grounds Nosebleeds
- ... blood) Blood alcohol level Blood chemistries and liver function ... abnormal from liver disease Toxicology study (checking for other ...
- ... include: Bleeding time Blood typing Factor VIII level Platelet function analysis Platelet count Ristocetin cofactor test Von Willebrand ...
- ... clotting factors Blood creatinine Hematocrit Uric acid Liver function Platelet count Protein in the urine Hemoglobin level
- ... but it also includes white blood cells and platelets . Because blood has many functions, tests on the blood or its components may ...
- ... makes you more likely to get infections Low platelet count, which can lead to abnormal bleeding As the cancer cells grow in the ...
- ... disease is diagnosed based on a biopsy of abnormal tissue, usually a lymph node. The following procedures will usually be done: Blood chemistry tests including liver function tests, kidney function tests, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) ...
- ... is usually diagnosed after a biopsy of suspected abnormal tissue, usually a lymph node biopsy . Other tests that may be done include: Blood test to check protein levels, liver function, kidney function, and uric acid level Complete blood ...