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- Melanoma is a malignant skin tumor that involves the skin cells that produce pigment (melanin). The risk of melanoma increases with age, but frequently affects young, otherwise ...
- Melanoma is a malignant skin tumor that involves the skin cells that produce pigment (melanin). The risk of melanoma increases with age, but frequently effects young, otherwise ...
- Note the presence of multiple colors within this melanoma lesion. It is referred to as "patriotic cancer" ... black. This is a common appearance for a melanoma.
- Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Melanomas beneath the fingernail appear as a black or ...
- Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous type of the skin cancers. Typical features of melanomas include irregular borders, multiple ...
- Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous type of the skin cancers. Typical features of melanomas include irregular borders, multiple ...
- Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous type of the skin cancers. Typical features of melanomas include irregular borders, multiple ...
- This melanoma on the neck is variously colored with a very darkly pigmented area found centrally. It has irregular ... be larger than 0.5 cm. Prognosis in melanoma is best defined by its depth on resection.
- ... liver which have spread (metastasized) from a malignant melanoma in an arm or leg. Note the light ...
- Malignant melanoma. The incidence of this form of skin cancer is increasing faster than that of any other form ...