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Unknown inheritance
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (National Library of Medicine)... affected body part The cause of CRPS is unknown. There is no specific diagnostic test. Your doctor will diagnose CRPS based on your signs and symptoms. ...
- Polymyalgia Rheumatica (National Library of Medicine)... is gradual. The cause of polymyalgia rheumatica is unknown. There is no specific test for it. Your doctor will use your medical history, symptoms, and a physical ...
- Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (National Library of Medicine)... It happens during your lifetime. The cause is unknown. Who is at risk for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)? It is hard to predict who will get CML. There are a few factors that ...
- Scleroderma (National Library of Medicine)... causes scleroderma? The exact cause of scleroderma is unknown. Researchers think that several factors may play a part in causing the disease: Your genetics. Certain genes can increase the chance that you will develop scleroderma. They may also play a role ...
- Stuttering (National Library of Medicine)... when they first start talking. Most of them will outgrow it. But some continue to stutter, and the exact cause is unknown. There are differences in the brains of people ...
- Arteriovenous Malformations (National Library of Medicine)... AVMs are rare. The cause of AVMs is unknown. Most of the time, people are born with them. But sometimes they can appear shortly after birth or later in life. What are the symptoms of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs)? The symptoms of AVM will depend on where the AVM is located. They ...
- Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (National Library of Medicine)... cells. The cause of these genetic changes is unknown, so it's hard to predict who might get CLL. There are a few factors that might raise your risk. Who is at risk for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)? It is hard to predict who will get CLL. There are a few factors that ...
- Fatty Liver Disease (National Library of Medicine)... other reasons. To make a diagnosis, your doctor will use: Your medical history A physical exam Various ... As part of the medical history, your doctor will ask about your alcohol use, to find out ...
- Overactive Bladder (National Library of Medicine)... caffeine can cause it. Often the cause is unknown. Your doctor may prescribe a medicine that can ...
- Atherosclerosis (National Library of Medicine)... are having physical or emotional stress. Your symptoms will depend on which arteries are affected and how ... find out if you have atherosclerosis, your provider: Will ask about your medical and family health history ...