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Results 1 - 10 of 20 for Limb pain
  1. Limb Loss (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... have phantom pain, which is the feeling of pain in the missing limb. Other physical problems include surgical complications and skin ...
  2. Fractures (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... bone you broke. But they may include: Intense pain Deformity, for example a limb that looks out of place Swelling, bruising, or ...
  3. Porphyria (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... system type is called acute porphyria. Symptoms include pain in the chest, abdomen, limbs, or back; muscle numbness, tingling, paralysis, or cramping; ...
  4. Paget's Disease of Bone (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... or spine Increased head size, bowing of a limb, or curvature of the spine. This can happen in advanced cases. Hip pain, if Paget's disease affects the pelvis or thighbone ...
  5. Leg Injuries and Disorders (National Library of Medicine)  
    Your legs are made up of bones, blood vessels, muscles, and other connective tissue. They are important for motion and standing. Playing sports, running, ...
  6. Foot Injuries and Disorders (National Library of Medicine)  
    Each of your feet has 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments. No wonder a lot of things can go wrong. Here are a few common ...
  7. Peripheral Arterial Disease (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... symptoms. If you have symptoms, they may include: Pain, numbness, achiness, or heaviness in the leg muscles. ...
  8. Cholesterol (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... reduced or blocked, it can cause angina (chest pain) or a heart attack. Plaque also can build up in other arteries in your body, including the arteries that bring oxygen-rich blood to your brain and limbs. This can lead to problems such as carotid ...
  9. Gout (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... a common type of inflammatory arthritis. It causes pain, swelling, and redness in one or more joints. It usually happens as a flare, which can last for a week or two and then gets better. The flares often begin in your big toe or a lower limb. What causes gout? Gout happens when too much ...
  10. Shoulder Injuries and Disorders (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... Other treatments include exercise and medicines to reduce pain and swelling. If those don't work, you ...
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