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- Hyperthyroidism (National Library of Medicine)... leak out of your thyroid gland. Too much iodine. Iodine is found in some medicines, cough syrups, seaweed ... adrenal insufficiency, a hormonal disorder Get too much iodine, from eating large amounts of foods containing iodine ...
- Hypothyroidism (National Library of Medicine)... pituitary disease or too much or too little iodine in your diet Who is at risk for ... such as a thyroid scan, ultrasound, or radioactive iodine uptake test. A radioactive iodine uptake test measures ...
- Radiation Exposure (National Library of Medicine)What is radiation? Radiation is energy. It travels in the form of energy waves or high-speed particles. Radiation can occur naturally or be man-made. ...
- Minerals (National Library of Medicine)... of trace minerals. They include iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride and selenium. Most people get ...
- Neuroblastoma (National Library of Medicine)... to replace the healthy cells that were lost. Iodine 131-MIBG therapy, a treatment with radioactive iodine. The radioactive iodine collects in neuroblastoma cells and ...
- Thyroid Cancer (National Library of Medicine)... treatment options include: Surgery. Radiation therapy, including radioactive iodine therapy. Chemotherapy. Thyroid hormone therapy. Targeted therapy, which ...
- Thyroid Diseases (National Library of Medicine)Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. It makes hormones that control the way the body uses energy. These hormones affect ...
- Thyroid Tests (National Library of Medicine)... for thyroid nodules (lumps in the thyroid). Radioactive iodine uptake test, or thyroid uptake test. It checks ...
- Cholera (National Library of Medicine)... do use tap water, boil it or use iodine tablets Wash your hands often with soap and ...
- Diarrhea (National Library of Medicine)... do use tap water, boil it or use iodine tablets Make sure that the cooked food you ...