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- Headache (National Library of Medicine)Almost everyone has had a headache. Headache is the most common form of pain. It's a major reason people miss days at work or school or visit the doctor. The most common type of headache is a tension headache. Tension headaches are due ...
- Migraine (National Library of Medicine)... are migraines? Migraines are a recurring type of headache. They cause moderate to severe pain that is ... can happen just before or during a migraine. Headache. A migraine usually starts gradually and then becomes ...
- Mumps (National Library of Medicine)... by the mumps virus. It starts with: Fever Headache Muscle aches Tiredness Loss of appetite After that, ...
- Concussion (National Library of Medicine)... weeks after the injury. Symptoms may include a headache or neck pain. You may also have nausea, ... seizures Drowsiness or inability to wake up A headache that gets worse and does not go away ...
- Traumatic Brain Injury (National Library of Medicine)... with mild TBI remain conscious after the injury. Headache Confusion Lightheadedness Dizziness Blurred vision or tired eyes ... may also have other symptoms such as: A headache that gets worse or does not go away ...
- Childhood Brain Tumors (National Library of Medicine)... child has any of the following problems: Morning headache or headache that goes away after vomiting Frequent nausea and ...
- Encephalitis (National Library of Medicine)... mild flu-like symptoms such as fever, fatigue, headache, or body aches. If encephalitis becomes more serious, it can cause: Severe headache Stiff neck Vomiting Seizures Behavior changes Drowsiness Muscle ...
- Lyme Disease (National Library of Medicine)... usually causes symptoms such as a rash, fever, headache, and fatigue. But if it is not treated ... rash look like a "bull's-eye." Fever Chills Headache Fatigue Muscle and joint aches Swollen lymph nodes (" ...
- West Nile Virus (National Library of Medicine)... symptoms. Mild symptoms of WNV can include: Fever Headache Body aches Vomiting Diarrhea Skin rash These symptoms ... Serious symptoms of WNV can include: High fever Headache Neck stiffness Numbness Coma Muscle weakness Vision loss ...
- Anemia (National Library of Medicine)... may be short of breath or have a headache. Your doctor will diagnose anemia with a physical ...