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Results 1 - 10 of 22 for Chronic diarrhea
  1. Diarrhea (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... be a sign of a more serious problem. Chronic diarrhea -- diarrhea that lasts at least four weeks -- can be a symptom of a chronic disease. Chronic diarrhea symptoms may be continual, or they may come ...
  2. Gallstones (National Library of Medicine)  
    Your gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ under your liver. It stores bile, a fluid made by your liver to digest fat. As your stomach and intestines digest ...
  3. Malabsorption Syndromes (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... different malabsorption syndromes can vary. They often include chronic diarrhea, abnormal stools, weight loss, and gas. Your doctor ...
  4. Celiac Disease (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... Bloating (feeling fullness or swelling in your belly) Chronic (long-term) diarrhea or greasy, bulky, unusually bad-smelling stool (poop) ...
  5. Hemorrhoids (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... on the toilet for long periods of time. Chronic constipation or diarrhea. A low-fiber diet. Weakening of the supporting ...
  6. Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... t cause symptoms. But some people can have chronic symptoms such as: Bloating Constipation or diarrhea Cramping or painin the lower abdomen (belly) Diverticulitis ...
  7. Cancer--Living with Cancer (National Library of Medicine)  
    Learning to live with cancer Cancer is a common disease. Almost 40 percent of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetimes. Even though ...
  8. Dehydration (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... young children, who are more likely to have diarrhea or vomiting People with chronic illnesses that cause them to urinate or sweat ...
  9. Post-COVID Conditions (Long COVID) (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... headaches, and sleep problems Digestive symptoms such as diarrhea and stomach pain Some people may have a wide variety of symptoms that are similar to those of other conditions, such as myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Most people's symptoms slowly ...
  10. Hepatitis B (National Library of Medicine)  
    ... infection. These symptoms can include: Dark yellow urine Diarrhea Fatigue Fever Gray- or clay-colored stools Joint pain Loss of appetite Nausea and/or vomiting Abdominal pain Yellowish eyes and skin, called jaundice If you have chronic hepatitis B, you may not have symptoms until ...
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