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Results 1 - 10 of 13 for Shock
  1. ... provides instructions for making a protein called heat shock protein beta-8. This protein is a member of the heat shock protein family, which helps protect cells that are ...
  2. ... provides instructions for making a protein called heat shock protein beta-1. This protein is a member of the heat shock protein family, which helps protect cells that are ...
  3. The DNAJC19 gene provides instructions for producing a protein found in structures called mitochondria, which are the energy-producing centers of cells. ...
  4. The DNAJC5 gene provides instructions for making a protein called cysteine string protein alpha (CSPα). This protein is found near nerve cells in the brain, ...
  5. ... genes provide instructions for making proteins called heat shock proteins. Heat shock protein beta-1 is made from the HSPB1 gene, and heat shock protein beta-8 is made from the HSPB8 ...
  6. ... people experience Lhermitte sign, which is an electrical shock-like sensation that runs down the back and ...
  7. ... feeding, dehydration, extremely low blood glucose (hypoglycemia), and shock. If untreated, these complications are often life-threatening. ...
  8. ... complications can include pneumonia, overwhelming bacterial infections (sepsis), shock, multiple organ failure, and death. About 10 percent ...
  9. ... oxygen (cyanosis). If untreated, CCHD can lead to shock, coma, and death. However, most people with CCHD ...
  10. ... condition can include overwhelming bacterial infections (sepsis) and shock. Affected children are also at increased risk of ...
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