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Proximal muscle weakness
- ... the muscles near the center of the body (proximal muscles). Other affected individuals develop muscle weakness throughout their body. Facial muscle weakness can cause ...
- ... the muscles near the center of the body (proximal muscles), particularly muscles in the shoulders, upper legs, and hips. Muscle weakness in affected infants can delay the development of ...
- ... muscles close to the center of the body (proximal muscles), such as those of the upper arms and legs. This weakness can worsen over time. Affected individuals may have ...
- ... are close to the center of the body (proximal) compared to muscles away from the body's center (distal). The muscle weakness usually worsens with age. There are many types ...
- ... the muscles near the center of the body (proximal muscles), particularly muscles in the shoulders, upper legs, and hips (limb-girdle muscles). The weakness slowly gets worse, and people may need the ...
- ... muscles closest to the center of the body (proximal muscles), is usually noticeable from birth and causes low muscle tone (hypotonia). The muscle weakness often causes delay of motor skills such as ...
- ... sporadic inclusion body myositis.Polymyositis and dermatomyositis involve weakness of the muscles closest to the center of the body (proximal muscles), such as the muscles of the hips ...
- ... difficulty with sustained exercise starting in childhood. The weakness generally affects the muscles closest to the center of the body (proximal muscles).The hemolytic form of GSDVII is characterized ...
- ... This form of the condition can also cause weakness in the muscles close to the center of the body (proximal muscles), such as those of the upper arms ...
- ... core disease. This condition is characterized by muscle weakness, primarily affecting the muscles near the center of the body (proximal muscles), such as the muscles in the upper ...