Results 1 -
- ... have been found to cause the vision disorder achromatopsia. These mutations underlie about 25 percent of cases of complete achromatopsia, a form of the disorder characterized by a ...
- ... have been found to cause the vision disorder achromatopsia. These mutations are a relatively uncommon cause of complete achromatopsia, a form of the disorder characterized by a ...
- ... have been found to cause the vision disorder achromatopsia. These mutations cause 50 to 70 percent of cases of complete achromatopsia, a form of the disorder characterized by a ...
- ... have been found to cause the vision disorder achromatopsia. These mutations underlie a relatively small percentage of cases of complete achromatopsia, a form of the disorder characterized by a ...
- ... changes involving the OPN1LW gene cause red-green color vision defects, a form of color vision deficiency that makes ... of red, yellow, and green. Most red-green color vision defects result from structural rearrangements involving the OPN1LW and ...
- ... changes involving the OPN1MW gene cause red-green color vision defects, a form of color vision deficiency that makes ... of red, yellow, and green. Most red-green color vision defects result from structural rearrangements involving the OPN1LW and ...
- ... has been found to cause the vision disorder achromatopsia. It is a very rare cause of a form of the disorder called incomplete achromatopsia. This condition is characterized by limited color vision ...
- ... form of color vision deficiency called blue-yellow color vision defects or tritan defects. These defects cause problems with ... is called tritanopia. A less severe blue-yellow color vision defect called tritanomaly occurs when S cones function abnormally. ...