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Avian influenza
- Avian Influenza in Birds: Causes and How It Spreads (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Avian influenza refers to disease in birds caused by infection with avian influenza Type A viruses.
- Prevention and Antiviral Treatment of Avian Influenza A Viruses in People (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Bird Flu/Prevention and Risk Factors ... Bird Flu ... Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ... CDC considers the current risk to the general public from the H5N1 ...
- Bird Flu (Avian Influenza): Facts for Families (American Academy of Pediatrics)... chickens; eggs; dairy; raw milk, bird poop; pasteurized; avian influenza; symptoms of bird flu; Fever; Cough; Sore Throat; ...
- Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Bird Flu/Start Here ... Bird Flu ... Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ... This page provides links to the latest H5N1 bird flu information
- Avian Influenza Type A Viruses (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)... influenza viruses. Many wild birds are hosts for avian influenza A viruses.
- What Causes Bird Flu Virus Infections in Humans (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Avian influenza A viruses usually do not infect people, but there have been some rare human cases
- Avian Influenza (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)Bird Flu/Related Issues ... Bird Flu
- Influenza (Avian and Other Zoonotic) (World Health Organization)WHO fact sheet on avian influenza: includes key facts, definition, clinical features, antiviral treatment, risk factors for human infection, human pandemic potential, WHO response.
- Bird Flu in Animals and People: Causes and How It Spreads (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)Information about the latest developments around avian influenza A(H5N1) is available at Bird Flu Current Situation Summary.
- Influenza in Birds (National Institutes of Health)Bird Flu/Clinical Trials ... Bird Flu