- NLM Digital Collections - [BIONET annual progress report] (pages 51-74)Publication: Produced: [1988-1989]... P (proline) E (glutamic acid) S (serine) and T (threonine) residues. References: 1. Sheridan RP, et al.,(1985) Biopolymers 24: ...
- ... P (proline) E (glutamic acid) S (serine) and T (threonine) residues. References: 1. Sheridan RP, et al.,(1985) Biopolymers 24: ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Effects of Mechanical Shear on Genetic Activity of Bacillus subtilis DNAPublication: National Academy of Sciences (U.S.), January 1963... subtilis Strain No. Genotype! Growth response 23 thr threonine 168 try” tryptophan SB19 Reference Prototroph —_ SB25 his; “try. histidine +- tryptophan SB70 his: “ ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Patterns of Sexual Recombination in Enteric BacteriaPublication: Genetics Society of America, October 1962... requirements: M-=methionine, P-=proline, H-=histidine, T- = threonine, Ty7-= tyrosine requiring. Mating types: F, F+, Hfr, F,;*, Frastapie’ ave described in the text. The references should be consulted for the presence in some ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The Enzymic Synthesis of Amino Acyl Derivatives of Ribonucleic Acid: II. The Preparation of ...Publication: American Society of Biological Chemists, June 1961... adenylate formation, and valyl ribonucleic acid synthetase utilizes threonine at about 30% the rate of valine. Nevertheless, valine is not converted to valyi ribonucleic acid by the isoleucyl ribonucleic acid synthetase. REFERENCES 1. Bere, P., anp OrenaanpD, EL. J., Proc. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Gene Recombination in the Bacterium Escherichia coliPublication: American Society for Microbiology, June 1947... 39 Ultraviolet 2 zoic acid 679-183 2 Threonine, proline T—P- 679 X-ray 1 *Mutants for resistance to phage T; have been obtained in strains 58-161, 679-188, Y10, and Y24, without detectable variation in nutritional requirements. + References: (1) Gray and Tatum, 1944; (2) Tatum, 1945; ( ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Heuristic DENDRAL: A Program for Generating Explanatory Hypotheses in Organic ChemistryPublication: Edinburgh University Press, 1969... been synthesized by chemists. In the case of threonine (composition C4H9NO3), we ... references. This disparity has great significance for chemists because ...
- ... intakes of methio- nine, tryptophan, lysine, isoleucine, and threonine are ... Cole, with special reference to the probems of cost and practical outlook ...
- ... intakes of methionine, tryptophan, ly- sine, isoleucine, and threonine are ... al. with special reference to the problems of cost and practical outlook ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Letter from Joshua Lederberg to Evelyn WitkinPublication: Produced: 13 April 1950... Harber, L.I., N.Y. Dear Evelyn: In reference to reversion of "polyamxotrophs": about 6 months ago, I was surprised to find piockings prototrophs in platings of W-1189, a threonine-histidineless double mutant from a coli other than ...
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