- ... a rape may be legally completed with- out reference to emission; and, medically speaking, it appears quite possible that ... stains, may be made at long periods after emission, when the fluid has been ... on this subject in reference to different periods of time. He found the ...
- ... Thus, a rape may be legally completed without reference to emission; and medi- cally speaking, it appears quite possible, ...
- ... Thus, a rape may be legally completed without reference to emission; and, medically speaking, it appears quite possible that ...
- ... Thus, a rape may be legally completed without reference to emission; and, medically speaking, it appears quite possible that ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The cyclopaedia of practical medicine: comprising treatises on the nature and treatment of ...Publication: Philadelphia : Blanchard and Lea, 1849-59... he says — "a rape maybe legally completed without reference to emission; and, medically speaking, it appears quite possible that ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A manual of medical jurisprudencePublication: Philadelphia : Henry C. Lea, 1873... Thus, a rape may be legally completed without reference to emission ; and, medically speaking, it appears quite possible that ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The people's common sense medical adviser in plain English, or, Medicine simplifiedPublication: Buffalo, NY : World's Dispensary Printing Office and Bindery, [1895]... Uvula . . 419,495 Emergencies 889 Emetics 339 Emetic-weed 340 Emissions, Involuntary Seminal . 772 INDEX, 997 PAGE Emissions, Nocturnal .... ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The people's common sense medical adviser in plain English, or, Medicine simplifiedPublication: Buffalo, N.Y. : Printed and published at the World's Dispensary Printing Office and Bindery, [1895]... Uvula . . 419, 495 Emergencies 889 Emetics 339 Emetic-weed 340 Emissions, Involuntary Seminal . 772 IN DEX. 997 PAGE Emissions, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Elements of medical jurisprudence (Volume 1)Publication: Philadelphia : Thomas, Cowperthwait, 1838... rape. 1. Penetration, but there is no distinct reference made to emission. 2. Actual force in the consummation, but it ... certainly the necessity of establishing the fact of emission must prove an ... females, with reference to this subject, into two classes—the young, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Elements of medical jurisprudence (Volume 1)Publication: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, 1863... 1. Pene- tration ; but there is no distinct reference made to emission. 2. Actual force in the consummation; but it ... the necessity of estab- lishing the fact of emission must prove an insuperable barrier to any conviction. We may divide females, with reference to * East, 2, p. 440. This case was ...
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