- NLM Digital Collections - Investing in primary care. Why it matters for Californians with Medi-Cal coveragePublication: [Oakland, CA] : California Health Care Foundation, July 2022... Care Spending Percentage for Adults (N = 27) TOTAL COST OF CARE PER MEMBER PER MONTH $1,400 $1,200 . . - Adult . . - ACA Optional Expansion $1,000 - spp $800 $600 . $400 ee . et $200 oe $0 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Emerging Infections: Private Concerns and Public ResponsesPublication: American Society for Microbiology, 1994... can open the door to infections by Candida spp. and Clostridium difficile. These consider- ations do not gravely alter the cost- benefit equations for hygiene and vaccines, but they ...
- ... Paratyphoid "A" and "B" Proteus OX series ••••• Pasteurella spp. ••••• Brucella spp. Diagnostic antisera produced, 1 cc units: Shigella spp. ••..... Leptospira, Salmonella, other Single factor sera, Salmonella, and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The new dietetics : a guide to scientific feeding in health and diseasePublication: Battle Creek, Michigan : The Modern Medicine Publishing Co., 1923... Black walnut Brazil nut Breadnut Butternut Candlenut Caryocar spp. Cashew nut Catappa nut Caucasian walnut Chestnut Chinquapin Chufa Earth-chestnut Edible acorn, 2 kinds (pasania spp.) Filbert Fox nut Ground nut (Voandzeia) Ginkgo nut ...
- ... 79-83 Wood-chip fuel slashes hospital's steam costs. Jarrett BO Jr. Heat Piping Air ... 68, 70 Legionella spp. in a hospital hot water system: effect of ...
- ... Health Educ 1982;24 f gynecologic malignancies: a cost effectiveness analysis. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1982 Feb; any94i—4 Abbot JW see Gillanders LA (Abbot SL) A report on the quality of ambulance service as observed in 1862 by S.L Abbot, Francis Minot. Transactions of the New York State Medical Society, 1863. NY State J Med 1982 Mar; 82(3) 393-4 AhWt RW HnHoinc a A Ahhntt nn spp FHprfman RA Abboud FM: On the new cardiovascular ...
- ... ot Com oe Caacuiasy Fo }- Pap bee ep SPP tag baat te See fiw tte y UN ... for high-risk workers, 10 percent shared the cost, and 9 percent required the employee to pay ...
- ... the Assistant Secretary for Health ©} | Washington DC 20201 spp - 8 Igo Mr. Arie R. Brouwer General Secretary ’ ...
- NLM Digital Collections - General regulations for the Army of the United States, 1841Publication: Washington [D.C.] : J. and G.S. Gideon, printers, 1841... shall also be permitted to cross-examine fenss°spp™°auyure: and interrogate the witnesses, so as to ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Research Notes, Volume IPublication: Produced: [5 October 1951-7 July 1953]... Obani 0 fend». (e Paha a : ! ~ pane One spp ke ji (60 ou OT fee ce pee ... bys Abduhn SUtH2| wd | rpoF . ” {-10 42/a) + SPP. nex 109 A ae foo. sot Emtar i ... w dots flue sttriall A soe , a hertele. ©) ? SPP Pan eqa Ges apeg ey ary Si *nm ...
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