- NLM Digital Collections - A systematic treatise on abortion and sterilityPublication: Chicago ; Buffalo : C.S. Halsey ..., 1868... num, oleum jecoris aselli, chimaphilla, iris versicolor, Phytolacca, rumex crispus, stillingia sylvatica. Return of Menstrual Crisis.—When, from previous habitual dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, or any ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American new dispensatory : containing general principles of pharmaceutic chemistry ; ...Publication: Boston : Printed and published by Thomas B. Wait and Sons, 1817... with the reddish capsules of a species of rumex, probably used in packing it. The round masses ... it should be recommended to gene- ral attention. Rumex Aquaticus. Water Dock. The root and leaves. It ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical lexicon : a dictionary of medical science : containing a concise account of the ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lea and Blanchard, 1846... the deductions may be more conclusive. DOCK, BLOODY, Rumex sanguineus—d. blunt-leaved, Rumex obtusifolius—d. Cresses, Lapsana—d. Sour, Rumex acetosa—d. Sour, boreal, Oxyria reniformis—d. Water, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The American eclectic materia medica and therapeuticsPublication: Cincinnati : J.M. Scudder, 1891... 32 482 ALTERATIVES. RUM EX. the root of rumex crispis. Preparations.—Infusion of Rumex. Tincture of Rumex. Dose—Of the tincture, from five drops to ... we have used equal parts of the aVIuus, Rumex crispus, and Quercus rubra, either in decoction or ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A clinical phrase book in English and German : containing the usual questions & answers ...Publication: Philadelphia : Lindsay and Blakiston, 1853... peln, aux. Gaben. rumour, ta« ©erüftt, gai-rüftt'. rumex, sorrel, ter ©auerampfer, zou"- er-äm'-pfer. rumex aquaticus, waterdock root, ber wäfferige ©auerampfer, vess'-eui- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The pharmaceutical products of Frederick Stearns & CoPublication: Detroit, Mich. : Frederick Stearns & Co., [1903]... Rudbeckia laciniata Thimble-weed. Ruraex Acetosella Sheep Sorrel. Rumex crispus Yellow Dock. Rumex obtusifolius* ...... Yellow Dock. Rumex sanguineus* Yellow Dock. Ruta ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... Geschlechtsbestimmung und Zah- lenverhaltnis der Geschlechter beim Sauerampfer (Rumex acetosa). Biol. Zentralbl., Leipz., 1922, xlii, 465-480.— ... Klhara (H.) & Ono (T.). The sex-chromosomes of Rumex acetosa. Ztschr. f. indukt. Abstammungs- u. Vererbungsl., Leipz., ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The cyclopaedia of practical medicine: comprising treatises on the nature and treatment of ...Publication: Philadelphia : Blanchard and Lea, 1849-59... in the decoction of the root of the rumex acutus or obtusifolius, rarely fails in affording re- ... of pure potassa, with the decoction of the rumex obtusifolius, have been productive of more benefit than ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The practice of medicine, according to the plan most approved by the reformed or botanic ...Publication: Mt. Vernon [Ohio] : Published by the author, printed by E.J. Ellis, 1847... or tied around in the middle, to secure RUMEX CRISPUS. 303 it, with a long piece of ... should be taken that has the strongest odour. RUMEX CRISPUS Narrow-leafed Dock. Sexual System—Class 6; ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Lexicon medicum, or, Medical dictionary : containing an explanation of the terms in anatomy, ....Publication: New York : E. Bliss & E. White, How, Spaulding & Dwight, F. & R. Lockwood, and J.V. Seaman, 1822... cress. See Sisymbrium nastur- tium. Water-dock. See Rumex hydrolapalhum. Water-flag, yellow. corus. Water-germander. See ...
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