- NLM Digital Collections - The Buffalo trunk sewer in course of construction, June 1884 : prepared for the American ...Publication: Buffalo, N.Y. : Printing House of Matthews, Northrop & Co., 1884... in the specifications, special care being required with reference to all dimension stone. The gates shall be properly constructed of white oak wood, composition metal and galvanized iron, as shown ...
- ... 126 White grubs, eaten by birds . 68 White oak, uses of . . . . 567 White of the eye 381 White pine, value of ... . 567 White substance of nerves . . 371 References are to pages Whiting, edible fish .... 136 Whooping ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... Inst. Ho- mceop., Chicago, 1925, xviii, 882-884.—White (E. W.) & Ritch (C. O.) ... with special reference to the resistance or fastness of the gonococcus ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The domestic encyclopaedia : or, A dictionary of facts, and useful knowledge: comprehending a ...Publication: Philadelphia : Published by William Young Birch, and Abraham Small, no. 17, South Second-Street : and T. & J. Swords, New-York ; Robert Carr, printer, 1803[-1804]... recipe for making, see Beer. GENERAL INDEX OF REFERENCE. S3 Tanning, substitutes for Oak- bark in, see Angelica; Avens; Berberries; Birch-tree; Bistort the Great; Briar ; Broom ; Bur- net the Great ; Burweed ; Clary ; Dock ; Feverfew; Horehound, the White ; Larch-tree; La- vender-Thrift; Loose-strife ; Myr- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The domestic encyclopaedia, or, A dictionary of facts, and useful knowledge: comprehending a ....Publication: Philadelphia : Published by William Young Birch, and Abraham Small, no. 17, South Second-Street ; Robert Carr, printer, 1804... recipe for making, see Beer. GENERAL INDEX OF REFERENCE, 33 Tanning, substitutes for Oak- bark in, see Angelica ; Avens ; Berberries; Birch-tree; Bistort the Great; Briar ; Broom ; Bur- net the Great ; Bur weed ; Clary ; Dock ; FeverfeAV ; Horehound, the White ; Larch-tree ; La- vender-Thrift; Loose-strife ; Myr- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, National Library of Medicine ....Publication: Washington : U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service : G.P.O., 1959-1961... Isotopes Division. Isotopes Division circular. A-1-E39B. Oak Ridge, Tenn., ... of radioactive carbon. White, I,., Jr. 1947. A-3. Techniques in the ...
- ... floors ; the seams being tongued and caulked with white lead to insure an impervious surface, and the strips chosen and sawed with reference to the grain, so that there may be no chipping. Oak, in our climate, even when kiln-dried, shrinks ...
- ... floors ; the seams being tongued and caulked with white lead to insure an impervious surface, and the strips chosen and sawed with reference to the grain, so that there may be no chipping. Oak, in our climate, even when kiln-dried, shrinks ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Dr. Chase's family physician, farrier, bee-keeper, and second receipt book : being an ...Publication: Toledo : Chase Pub. Co., 1881... the neutralizing cordial and anti-bilious physic (see reference to these in Amenorrhea), equal parts, to gently act upon the bowels : and wash the surface with alkalies, (weak-lye in water to make it feel slippery.) and a little salt in it, and then wash with white-oak bark in whisky-1 oz. to a quart- ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Reports of the peninsular campaign : surgical experience &cPublication: Albany, N.Y. : C. Van Benthuysen, 1863... some of the wounded of Monday, battle of White Oak Swamp, were left on the ... Guild, C. S. A., in reference to our condition. 'See Doc. 9, and received ...
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