- NLM Digital Collections - Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Black & Minority Health. (Volume 2)Publication: Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, [1985-1986]... saturated fat and cholesterol excess saturated fat suboptimal vitamin A* suboptimal vitamin C suboptimal potassium suboptimal fiber suboptimal ... of the RDA for calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, vitamins A, D, E, B6, biotin, and folacin. Anemia was ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Mwana wa thanzi maso amphamvu vitamin A amateteza ana ku matenda a khunguPublication: [Malawi] : Health Education Section, Ministry of Health, [19--]Mwana wa thanzi maso amphamvu vitamin A amateteza ana ku matenda a khungu ... Vitamin A amateteza ana ku matenda a khungu ... Vitamin A -- therapeutic use ... to include a list of foods high in vitamin A. Publisher and sponsor information at bottom of poster.
- NLM Digital Collections - The effect of bombing on health and medical care in GermanyPublication: [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1947... Research in Leip- zig, Professor Scheunert, calculated the vitamin A, Ba and C content of the German diet ... C and that approximately one-half of the vitamin A intake was consumed as vegetables which were never ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A budget survey of state mental hospitals : presenting the replies from the forty-eight ...Publication: Springfield, Illinois : Illinois State Department of Finance, 1948... Calcium 11 0 1 Iron 9 1 2 Vitamin A 4 1 7 Ascorbic Acid 4 2 6 ... inadequate supply of ascorbic acid and affects the Vitamin A content of the diet. No eggs were listed ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, National Library of Medicine ....Publication: Washington : U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service : G.P.O., 1959-1961... of other fats to which varying amounts of vitamin A and vitamin D have been added. Amsterdam, 1942. ... infections in avitaminotic rats, with special reference to vitamin A deficiency. K0benhavn, Levin Sz Munks- gaard, 1931. 248p. ( ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1936-1948... Edelmann, 1936. MAYER-ROSA, Sigmund, 1911- *Ueber den Vitamin A-Umsatz beim schilddriisenlosen Meerschweinchen [Freiburg i. Br.] 16p. ... Mackay, H. M. M. The therapeutic value of vitamins A & D in measles. Arch. Dis. Childh., Lond., 1936, ...
- ... bon monoxide concentrations in cockpits, use of supplementary Vitamins A (and C), use of off-center vision, maintenance ... by the adminis- tration of "massive doses" of vitamin A although there had been no history of dietary ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A bibliographical sourcebook of compressed air, diving, and submarine medicine (Volume 2)Publication: Washington, D.C. : Research Division, Project X-427, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department, 1948-1966... adult requirements of thiamin, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, and vitamin A. From this patrol it was deter- mined that ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The new dietetics : a guide to scientific feeding in health and diseasePublication: Battle Creek, Michigan : The Modern Medicine Publishing Co., 1923... these are probably of much less importance than vitamins A, B, and C. Doctor Robert McCarrison, an eminent ... specific part in nutrition. “(7) It appears that vitamin A is associated with the metab- olism of liquids ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Every child should receive vitamin A supplementPublication: [Zambia] : Central Board of Health, 1999Every child should receive vitamin A supplement ... Vitamin A -- therapeutic use ... Vitamin A -- administration & dosage ... in center portion of poster. Dosing schedules for vitamin A supplementation in the lower portion of poster. Publisher ...
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