- NLM Digital Collections - Viral networks : connecting digital humanities and medical historyPublication: Blacksburg, VA : VT Publishing, 2018... made (indicated by number of lines) As this visualization shows, the time references for 1347–1349 were diverse. The majority of ... information. Witnesses dated all kinds of events with references to the ... In this visualization, I link witnesses who mentioned either the first ...
- ... research activities or class discussions: metaphor, anatomy, Padua ( reference article in PMC ), visualization, chemical industry, digestive, respiratory, treatise, iconography, Vesalius, De ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1936-1948... pi — Kantor, J. L., & Jaffin, A. E. Roentgen visualization of the bile ducts, with special reference to internal biliary fistulae. Radiol- ogy, i928, 10: ...
- ... nal aorta for a congenital anomaly. Roent- genographic visualization was excellent in all instances and without complications. REFERENCES 1. Beall, A. C., Jr., Henly, W. 8., ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Report on survey of aircrew personnel in the Eighth, Ninth, Twelfth, and Fifteenth Air ForcesPublication: Washington, D.C. : Army Air Forces, Office of the Air Surgeon, Research Division, Psychological Branch, April 1944... and tables. 987654321 1 C4-8050,AF 9. Visualization of the Flight Course. Ability to visualize the course of the plane with reference to the horizon and fixed or moving reference ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Do No Harm guide. Collecting, analyzing, and reporting gender and sexual orientation dataPublication: Washington, DC : Urban Institute, December 2023... Communication and Data Visualization Color Terminology in Data Visualization Icons Showing Small Numbers Ordering 46 PART SIX Conclusion 48 PART SEVEN Appendixes 56 Notes 59 References 63 Acknowledgments 4 D O N O H ...
- ... memory, judgment, comprchension, and foresight; (2) chservation and visualization of con~ crete things, rather than ideas. Tests in this category measure ability wo Jocate points and objects, with or without reference sw'tems, and sbility to identify and compere ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... considered. 4°. New York, 1922. Abramson (H. A.) Visualization of the gall bladder of the dog by the Roentgen ray. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. & Med., N. Y., 1923-4, xxi, 407-409.—Arens (R. A.) Gall- bladder disease with special reference to fluoroscopic find- ings. J. Radiol., Omaha, 1923, ...
- ... Polk Smith for their ex- pert technical support. REFERENCES 1. Mussivand T, Navarro R, Chen J , Braun J, Harasaki H, Kiraly R, Batur C, McNillin C, Nosé Y. Flow visualization in an artificial heart using diffuse and planar ...
- ... side; outlet port, right side. Laser light illumi- REFERENCES . Mussivand T, Navarro R, Chen J, Braun J, Harasaki H, Kiraly R, Batur C, McNillin C, Nosé Y. Flow visualization in an artificial heart using diffuse and planar ...
519 results