- NLM Digital Collections - An introduction to the study of mental disordersPublication: St. Louis : C.V. Mosby Company, 1923... depression, excitement or confusion may occur as more transient symptom complexes. The particular clinical form which the mental disorder may take depends in part upon the extent, location and variety of the organic disease. Thus it becomes advisable to distinguish between ...
- ... suicide risk family history - (dose + side ; effects) Acute organic mental + Can occur at point Can recover Meningitis + + disorder (delirium) of seroconversion with meningitis ++ Very high Transient, 6-8 wks + Counsel Ling TABLE 2 SUMMARY ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Convalescent medicine : manual of physical therapy, manual of occupational therapy, emergency ...Publication: [Washington?] : United States Office of War Information, 1945... Polatin, P.; Strauss, H., and Altman, L. L.: Transient Organic Mental ... Mental Disorders: Treatment by Excitation Followed by Intravenous Use of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Physical standards and physical profiling for enlistment and inductionPublication: Washington, D.C. : Department of the Army, 20 August 1948... Psychosis, Moderate or severe chronic psychoneuroses, Se- vere transient ... symptoms or disorder existing at the time the profile is determined. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Progress in prison : a survey of the activities and aims of the correctional institutions ...Publication: Atlanta, Georgia : Prepared by the Atlantian : Published by the United States Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice, 1942... epilepsy, chronic alcohol poison, infections, arteriosclerosis and other ... transient nature, the patient invariably improving rapidly after admission. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Medical service : joint armed forces nomenclature and method of recording psychiatric ...Publication: Washington, D.C. : Department of the Army, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, U.S. Navy, Department of the Air Force, June 1949... of intelligence: (1) Mental deficiency, primary (3250). (2) Mental ... Without Known Organic Etiology These disorders are characterized by a varying ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A manual of diseases of the nervous system (Volume 2)Publication: Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co. ..., 1895... defect of speech is part of a general mental defect, and not true, pure ... there is often transient inability to speak, and this may continue for ...
- ... problem-solving or abstracting ability (1), or frank organic mental disorder for some patients. For other patients, diffuse psychological ... of utmost importance to rule out either an organic mental disorder or a treatable depression (69). Both can have ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Presidential Commission on the HIV Epidemic hearing on Care of HIV Infected Persons, part 3, ....Publication: Produced: 15 January 1988... problem-solving or abstracting ability (1), or frank organic mental disorder for some patients. For other patients, diffuse psychological ... of utmost importance to rule out either an organic mental disorder or a treatable depression (69). Both can have ...
- ... Jul;7(3):224-7 Delirium and other organic mental disorders in a general hospital. Trzepacz PT, et al. ... Apr;7(2): 119-24 Delirium and other organic mental disorders in a general hospital. Trzepacz PT, et al. ...
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