- NLM Digital Collections - A bibliographical sourcebook of compressed air, diving, and submarine medicine (Volume 2)Publication: Washington, D.C. : Research Division, Project X-427, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department, 1948-1966... further reports on helium-oxygen diving, the following references may be consulted; 2097 and 2105. 2087. Davidson, ... washing out nitrogen from the body. The following references on this topic have been se- lected: 2110, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1936-1948... A. Federal subsidies to the states with special reference to health. Hosp. Social Serv., 1927, 15: 259- ... and health conditions among the Jaluo, with special reference to maternal and infant welfare. East Aff. M. ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chemical warfare agents and related chemical problems (Parts 3-6)Publication: Washington, D.C. : Office of Scientific Research and Development, National Defense Research Committe, Division 9, 1946... Summary Technical Report volumes and microfilmed and other reference material should be addressed to the War Department ... In competition experi- ments with alanine as the reference substance, no evidence for reaction of acetate with ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Abstracts of orthopaedic surgery for 1948 (1949)Publication: Washington, D.C. : Office of the Surgeon General, Department of the Army, 1951-1957... M. C., U. S. A. The first group of references pertain to the etiology of congenital defects. Dekking ( ... the human vertebral column* The second group of references in this chapter can be included under the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Activities of surgical consultants (Volume 1)Publication: Washington, D.C : Office of the Surgeon General, Dept. of the Army, 1962-1964... Branch Major Albert C. Riggs, Jr., Chief, General Reference and Research Branch Hazel G. Hine, Chief, Administrative ... for editorial processing. The members of the General Reference and Research Branch, The His- torical Unit, for ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Advances in military medicine: advances in military medicine made by American investigators ...Publication: Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1948... whole-egg protein (taken as the standard of reference as a most complete natural protein), 97; cottonseed ... cold environment. The study was planned with special reference to factors of heat production, respiratory exchange, and ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1936-1948... volume of the entire series. The volume contains references to medical subjects classified under headings from Habana ... of the list of abbreviations used in the references. Owing to conditions in the Library which have ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1955... a solution to this problem of accumulated unpublished references, proposed the regular annual publication of alphabetical volumes, ... the rate of one volume of 80,000 references every three years. Considering that by 1950 a ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1936-1948... in Arabic numerals instead of Roman, in all references. These Arabic numerals are printed in bold face ... of the Third Series. It also includes older references which for one reason or another have been ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, United States Army (Series 4, ...Publication: Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1936-1948... type used for the authors' names in journal references, which will be inaugurated in Volume 3 of ... in the Library since 1919, and to which references can be found in the Fourth Series of ...
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