- ... 28(8):44 New chapel ministers to the spiritual needs of medical center users. Andersen PA. Health Facil Manage 1992 Oct;5( 10): 16—7 Hospitals recognize link between art and healing. Lumsdon K. Hospitals 1992 Oct 5;66(19):68, 70 Bibliography and reference. Inter Des 1992 Aug; 63(11): 108-9 ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Mental and spiritual healing : all schools and methods : a text book for physicians and ...Publication: Los Angeles, Cal. : International Book Concern, Los Angeles Branch, [1923]... analytical form these various schools 7 MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL HEALING and ... most useful as a reference and guide in future work. Every physician, no ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Science and health : with a key to the ScripturesPublication: Boston : Published by the author, 1886... will. Zion. Spiritual foundation and superstructure ; in- spiration ; ... only the chief references are given under these general heads, the minor ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... Philosophy of modern miracles; or, the relations of spiritual causes to physical ... Lord's miracles of healing ". Med. Times & Gaz., Loud., 1872, ii, 79; 106.— ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Healing power of mind : a treatise on mind-cure, with original views on the subject and ...Publication: Peoria, Ill. : Hill, 1886... sufficient prominence has not been given to the healing of disease. And, further though they speak of faith as a necessary thing to spiritual salvation, yet they have lost sight of it as a word full of meaning, and having direct reference to the curing of all bodily disease. Christ ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors ...Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1880-1932... 1239.—Blue- mel (C. S.) Faith healers; with special reference to Aimee Semple ... Remarks on spiritual healing. Brit. M.J., Lond., 1910, i, 1466-1470.— ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A complete concordance to Science and health : with key to the Scriptures, together with an ...Publication: Boston, USA : Allison V. Stewart, [1916]... error, etc., without searching through several hun- dred references. A few ... For example: the word "healing" is used as a noun, an adjective, and ...
- ... from Sinai, so to order our habits with reference to the maintenance of a ... leaves were for the healing of the nations, was significant,-it stood "in ...
- ... centuries medical science has learned to do without reference to spiritual ... to practise healing as ignorant impostors; upon their beliefs as sheer ...
- NLM Digital Collections - General information and Illinois laws relating to the public healthPublication: [Springfield, Illinois] : Illinois Department of Health, 1940... health problems. Upon fail- ure to find any reference to such laws, the reader is ... tic, Spiritual Healing, etc.) 3. The Narcotic Drugs Act. 4. Barber ...
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