- NLM Digital Collections - Notes on lectures on materia medica by Eli IvesPublication: Produced: [1825-1826?]... with regard to the animal econemy 2d in reference to diseases. As sleep under some circumstances induced by opium it may ... with regard to the animal econemy 2d in reference to diseases. As sleep under some circumstances induced by opium it may ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Lectures on materia medica by Eli Ives, M.D., professor etc. in the Medical Institution of ...Publication: Produced: 1827... to the animal functions or Economy. 2nd In reference to diseases. As sleep is under certain circumstances induced by Opium it ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The brain and the nerves : their ailments and their exhaustionPublication: New York : Putnam, 1884... course we have nothing to say here in reference to disorders of sleep associated with fever, blood-poisoning, and other allied ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of practical medicine: comprising general pathology, the nature and treatment of ...Publication: Boston : Lilly, Wait, Colman, and Holden, 1834-59... Def- SKIN—Functional Disorders - Structural Changes - Classification of Diseases of Bibliography and References SLEEP AND SLEEPLESSNESS- initions - Physiological Pathology - Wakefulness..... Partial Wakefulness ...
- NLM Digital Collections - The medical and surgical history of the war of the rebellion (1861-65) (Volume 1, Part 2)Publication: Washington : G.P.O., 1870-88... the Egyptians use the solanum somnifernm for procuring sleep, and in various diseases, but not the slightest reference to the effects of combining it with opium ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A dictionary of medicine : including general pathology, general therapeutics, hygiene, and ...Publication: New York : D. Appleton and Company ..., 1888... a patient may sometimes be dated from the sleep which this agent procures. BRONCHI, DISEASES OF. In reference to the exhibition of alcoholic stimulants, except in ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Final reportPublication: Washington, DC : Interdepartmental Quarantine Comission, 10 June 1944... behind screens from sundown to sunrise, and should sleep under a bed net. Communicable diseases The terras of reference of the Commission directed it to inquire into ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Notes from lectures by Eli Ives and Nathan Smith : [New Haven]Publication: Produced: 1825-1826... ion to the system in health. Second in reference to diseases. 19 As sleep is under certain circumstances producd by opm. it ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A reference handbook of the medical sciences: embracing the entire range of scientific and ...Publication: New York : Wood, 1885-1893... this sometimes occurs both in acute and chronic diseases. Generally, normal sleep returns as soon as the causes of 784 REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES. Hypermetropia. Hypnotics. the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - S.S. and W. Wood's medical cataloguePublication: [New York?] : [Samuel S. & William Wood?], [1854?]... Reflections. Fordyce, W. A Review of the Venereal Disease and its Remedies. Bvo. Fosgate, B. Sleep Psychologically considered with reference to Sensation and Memory. 12mo. Forsyth, J. S. A ...
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