- NLM Digital Collections - Fermentation, infection, and immunity : a new theory of these processes, which unifies their ....Publication: Austin, Texas : Eugene Von Boeckmann, printer and bookbinder, 1892... manently retained in the animal body; consequently other factors are needed to explain the resulting phenomena. The retention theory of Chauvease, it is true, is not in ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Diseases of middle life: the prevention, recognition and treatment of the morbid processes of ...Publication: Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Company, 1923... just how this maintenance is accomplished and what factors chiefly are con- cerned in its disturbance still remains a problem which has not been definitely solved. The retention theory concerning the production of glau- coma depends upon ...
- NLM Digital Collections - A practical text-book of infection, immunity, and biologic therapy : with special reference ...Publication: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1923... 337 sessile, 625, 645 three orders, 137 Reduction factor, 282, 283 ... Retention theory of immunity, 122 Retinal hemorrhage, blood injections in, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Modern methods of treatmentPublication: St. Louis : C.V Mosby Company, 1924... mineral metabolism of the body. A somewhat similar theory is that the retention of the feces, decreased peristalsis, reduced intestinal secretions, production of intestinal lesions, Dietary and Other Causative Factors DISEASES OF METABOLISM 529 increased permeability of the ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Diseases of middle life: the prevention, recognition and treatment of the morbid processes of ...Publication: Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Company, 1923... be somewhat justified if there are different causative factors for the edema ... of any special theory of etiology. Mild edema may require no treatment ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Infection and resistance : an exposition of the biological phenomena underlying the ...Publication: New York : Macmillan, 1923... 29, 65 individual differences and, 68 inheritance a factor in, 65, 66 local, in skin infections, 118 natural, against infec- tion, 59 non-specific, 626 racial differences in, 64 species, to infection, 59 Resistance, vital, 629, 630 “Retention theory of im- munity,” 93 Rhus toxicodendron, specif- ic ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Chronic interstitial ophthalmitis (chronic simple glaucoma)Publication: St. Louis, Mo. : [publisher not identified], [1895?]... can be more readily understood, attributed to this factor, than when referred to either of the most prominent theories of high tension, that of hypersecretion, and that of retention, of the intra-ocular fluids, to each of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Letter from Joshua Lederberg to Albert TylerPublication: Produced: 13 October 1959... abf, but thig alone wouldn't settle the theory. p-13 This reads very well to me. p.1h { would invoke retention of antigen to account for maintenance of tolerance, at least, and [t can still be a factor in the long-term persistence of Immunity. But, ...
- NLM Digital Collections - An illustrated encyclopaedia of the science and practice of obstetricsPublication: Philadelphia : Gebbie & Co., 1885... and Termination—Rupture of the Cyst—Pro- longed Retention of the ... Factor in Expulsion— Uterine Contractions at the Commencement of ...
- NLM Digital Collections - On the general pathology of feverPublication: Philadelphia : Wm. J. Dornan, printer, 1888... basis of increased heat production. In rejecting Traube's theory that fever is the result solely of retention of heat we must still recognize the fact that decrease in the dissipation of heat, at times absolute, at other periods relative, is a factor of the utmost importance in the febrile process. ...
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