- ... Apr;9(2):72 Group climate: a significant retention factor for pediatric nurse managers. Hern-Underwood MJ, et ... 7-8):14-5 Group climate: a significant retention factor for pediatric nurse managers. Hern-Underwood MJ, et ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Well-controlled diet studies in humans : a practical guide to design and managementPublication: Chicago : American Dietetic Association, c1999... FIAS) allow the user to apply specific nutrient retention factors to raw ingredients to calculate the vitamin and ... the cooked forms of ingredients, so use of retention factors is not necessary. A third method is to ...
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- NLM Digital Collections - Q3D(R2) elemental impuritiesPublication: Silver Spring, MD : Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, September 2022... may propose an adjustment by use of a retention factor 3128 (see Module 1 of the ICH Q3D training package for more information on retention time; 3129 https://www.ich.org/products/guidelines/ ...
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- NLM Digital Collections - Practical chemical analysis of blood : a book designed as a brief survey of this subject for ....Publication: St. Louis : C.V. Mosby Company, 1924... 695. 8Marriott, W. McK., and Howland, J.: Phosphate Retention as a Factor in the Produc- tion of Acidosis in Nephritis, ... number of conditions aside from nephritis where nitrogen retention is a factor of considerable clinical interest and importance. Refer- ence ...
- NLM Digital Collections - Pathological physiology of internal diseases : functional pathologyPublication: New York ; London : D. Appleton and Company, 1923... 1913, xiv, 81. Marriott McK.) & Howland ( J.). Phosphate retention as a factor in the production of acidosis in nephritis. Arch. ... xxii, 477. Marriott (TF. McK.) & Howland (J.). Phosphate retention as a factor in the production of addosis in nephritis. Arch. ...
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